Athletic beauty shown in art and athletics in ancient Greece 체육사 : 고대 그리스의 운동경기와 예술에 나타난 운동미
42(6) 3-12, 2003
Athletic beauty shown in art and athletics in ancient Greece 체육사 : 고대 그리스의 운동경기와 예술에 나타난 운동미
In this paper, the developmental changes of physical beauty shown in the features of art and athletics in ancient Greece have been analyzed from the aesthetic point of view. From the analysis, I tried to understand the relationship between art and athletics. The result of this study is as follows.
First, according to the analysis on documentary records, vase paintings, and various sculptures, the most popular sport games to Greek people in 600 B.C were fighting matches, weight lifting, and running. It has been noted that the feature of sports games in those days was that they expressed physical strength.
Second, the factors for the development of the beauty of exercise were balanced physical discipline through the pentathlon, the importance of the gymnasium, systematized education of Epheboi, the passion for exercise after the victory of Greco-Persian Wars, the development of art through the customs of naked games, combination of love and religious devotion to sports games which produced perfect beauty of exercise with the appropriate combination of body and soul.
Third, around the time of 500 B.C perfect beauty of exercise through balanced physical discipline from the pentathlon appeared. The artists set up a prototype of an ideal player by expressing it from the moment of a movement or by producing splendid life-sized human sculptures whose total heights were seven times of their face length, which made sports games a great influence on the development of Greek art.
This study will be helpful for the systematic comprehension on the changes of Greek sports game patterns and the beauty of exercise through the chronical and archeological remains analysis. Considering that the ideal of Greek beauty of exercise was accomplished through endless physical discipline and the appropriate combination of body and soul, there are many considerations for the modern person who pursues only outer beauty.
Key Words
Art, athletic beauty, ancient Greece
A Study on Activity of Chosun Sport Association in Japanese Colonial Days 체육사 : 일제하 조선체육협회(朝鮮體育協會)의 활동에 관한 연구
42(6) 13-21, 2003
A Study on Activity of Chosun Sport Association in Japanese Colonial Days 체육사 : 일제하 조선체육협회(朝鮮體育協會)의 활동에 관한 연구
This study conducted the research focusing on the circumstances of establishment, characteristics and sports activities of Chosun Sport Association(CSA) to clarify its activities. And the conclusion is as follows.
CSA was established to promote physical education and to foster friendship among members in Chosun in Feb 1919, with positive supports from Chosun Newspaper, an organ of expression, centering around Gyungsung Tennis Team and Gyungsung Baseball Association that were active in sport activities at that time.
Officers of CSA mostly consisted of people in government and financial circles for representing the authority of the association and fund raising. And the executives and secretaries responsible for actual practies consisted of people related to sports. they decided important agendas in the meetings of ordinary members, secretaries and committees and the decision was made by majority. In addition, the budget was appropriated by donations and membership fees of executives and members. In reality, the association was managed by donations. However, it faced financial problems due to lack of fund caused by administrative policies and economic recession. Then, it changed the management policy to the depending on membership fees(12Yen) in March 1925.
CSA held various meeting such as baseball, tennis and other events for the purpose of the association. In the process, Chosunsingung Athletic Meeting(CAM), the first general meeting in Korea, was held to celebrate opening of Gyungsung Ground in 1925. This meeting was held every year and this study found that Korean athletics Participated from the first meeting, country to previous research. As this meeting was continued, new events were added one by one. And a radio station broadcasted all events. Then, the meeting gradually became a general meeting. In conclusion, CSA had a substantial influence on the modern history of physical education of Korea, as the association leading sport activities in Chosun under the Japanese rule. In particular, CAM hosted by CSA provided an opportunity to participate in international meeting for Korean athletics.
Key Words
japanese colonial days, chosun sport association, sports activities
A Study on the Historical Understanding - Consideration of the Spirit of the Olympic Competition Games toward the Future 체육사 : 미래지향적 올림픽 경기 정신에 대한 통사적 고찰
42(6) 23-30, 2003
A Study on the Historical Understanding - Consideration of the Spirit of the Olympic Competition Games toward the Future 체육사 : 미래지향적 올림픽 경기 정신에 대한 통사적 고찰
This study have got a conclusion as the result, I have sympathized that the existing spirit of the Olympic Games have been a participation, a cooperation in the Olympic Game and the peace, the coexistence in the world. This study have purpose for a suggest to be make up the future fixed direction the Olympism by bring the spirit of competition into relief, as follows.
I have known that the meaning of the spirit of competition in the Olympic Games of the ancient times or the modern times have some different from a scale or the character of a meeting games, but they are the same essentially. I understood that they divided into the ancient times, the modern times to study this competitive spirit of the Olympic Games in historically, and divided into the intrinsic or the extrinsic meaning of the spirit of competition in the Olympic Games.
The former, I have explained that a phenomenon come up to the advisable influence in all fields the international society with a central role in the promotion of world’s culture, with a creative production and a continued existence the value of world’s mankind centering around the Olympic Games. And the latter, I have explained logically that a direction in the spirit of olympic competition events were becoming to itself seriously with the intrinsic value of the Olympism faithfully like a essential value of it.
In the slogan showed the modern’s the spirit of Olympic competitive games symbolically, I pointed out that the sports competitive spirit must took precedent of the participation, the harmony and the peace of the world in the essence of the Olympism, came back into the sport’s spirit of the player-self deal with some carelessly, in it emphasized on the participation than took victory. Namely, I have felt sure that the just the competitive spirit of the Olympic competitive events must be the core of Olympism, and then, If it were to realize the change of a conception, the realization of these spirit would be, as it were, could reappearance the spirit of excellence in the ancient Olympic competitive events, these spirit of competition would be a full and a valuable Olympic Games in future.
Therefore, if these competitive spirit of sports were realize to the change of a conception be the center of the Olympism, I would be sure that these intensive impressions and these dramatic contents in sports, and these contents would be contribute to the participation, the harmony and the peace, the mankind-mutual prosperity of a cosmopolitan in the world, even more naturally, deeply.
Key Words
Influence of Public School on the development of British Sports culture 체육사 : Public School이 영국의 스포츠문화 발전에 끼친 영향
황옥철HwangOh-chul , 곽선영KwakSun-Young
42(6) 31-42, 2003
Influence of Public School on the development of British Sports culture 체육사 : Public School이 영국의 스포츠문화 발전에 끼친 영향
황옥철HwangOh-chul , 곽선영KwakSun-Young
This study was to know an educational system of public schools largely effected on the development of a British sports culture, the contribution to how a unique educational formation of a sports activity by an educational revolution had an effect on both the organization of a British sport and the spreading of physical education through literature study based on the content of a study. British public schools were formed to keep tradition of the ruling class while not to lose their priority. Moreover, the artistocratic class would maintain the different education system for their children in the public school in order to protect themselves from the middle class. Whereupon, there were 6 categories in the public school: religion, history, method of contribution, form, of foundation etc.
The educational system of public Schools was to train leaders of capable who were able to have a right personality and social nature. However, the life in the dormitory made the juveniles a somewhat violent and defiant because they couldn`t burn themselves with passion. These attitudes that the development of mind wasn`t balanced with that of body were raised under moral immature, later on, the educational revolution was accomplished by the leadership of Thomas Amold. The revolution recognized sport as a place of education and promoted team events to foster cooperative spirits, improved their physique through sports activities and was concentrated to raise their patriotism, love of their school. The sports activities in the public school were thought much of not only a social nature through team sport but mental aspects like gentlemanship and fair play etc. in sport. As a result, it could promote spreading and organizing sport and provide a foundation of Olympics and other sports events, expanding the previous public school.
Key Words
public School, British, Sport culture
Platon's Thoughts of Physical Education 체육철학 : 플라톤의 체육교육 사상
42(6) 45-52, 2003
Platon's Thoughts of Physical Education 체육철학 : 플라톤의 체육교육 사상
As it’s been introduced on beginning, the solution of Platon’s physical education thesis could be analyzed based on the study of it’s planning. There is no question that Platon is the first and the most excellent educator who could realize the idealism of philosophy. His idealism could be explained as an ultimate value and an absolute purpose toward functioning actualization, possible relationship among any human beings and characters, and making a life-goal and world wide suggestions based on the truth of an ideology. This idealism has been effected to physical education of philosophy and its actualization with great Platon’s thesis, and also has been redefined the meaning of the struggling modern society since physical education could be lost by looking the future incorrectly with illegal purpose and system. Therefore, Platon suggests variety opinions to make correct actualization with detail methods. He insists that the music with physical education means for both education and body training. According to his insisting, there are three purposes of human beings. At first, there if a purpose on human career to control themselves. It means that the morality must be trained young generations with suitable body training. Second, physical education is not only for making great athlete. It’s for making healthy life with healthy body. Third, it should be mixed the physical body with the healthy mind to get a better life. As you can see, to study Platon’s philosophy of physical education with an educational actualization, we must discuss and analyze for better life later on.
Key Words
platon, idealism
Existential Physical Education ; Describing Physical Education As It Really Is 체육철학 : 실존주의 체육사상; 체육교육 제 모습 찾기
김동규KimDong-Kyu , 김상헌KimSang-Heon
42(6) 52-63, 2003
Existential Physical Education ; Describing Physical Education As It Really Is 체육철학 : 실존주의 체육사상; 체육교육 제 모습 찾기
김동규KimDong-Kyu , 김상헌KimSang-Heon
The purpose of this study was to explore and analyze the existentialism of physical education. Mankind has been prosperous thanks to scientific development with rationalism and positivism for a basis. Excessive dependence on science, however, caused number of problems: dehumanization, depersonalization, alienation, etc. Education, especially physical education could solve these problems, but the current education system focuses on ‘transmission of knowledge’ instead of ‘education for man’s life and dignity’. As a result of this, it is impossible to realize the fundamental value of education, especially Physical Education. Therefore, we are suppose to find some solution of this problem through ‘Describing Physical Education As It Really Is’ in the basis of existentialism in which people are considered more respectfully. The results of this study were as following: 1. The cultivation of subjectivity and self-recognition caused by autonomous participation in physical activity, and revision of objectives of physical education as a way of realization of humanism. 2. Providing the opportunity to choose what the students want to learn, to develop their creativity, and to enjoy the physical exercises. 3. Approaching the new methods of assessment: performance assessment and portfolio assessment, free choice assessment, etc. 4. Cultivating the physical education teachers who are active, autonomic, dynamic, open-hearted, and able to conduct the ICT education. 5. Offering the field for self-realization, amusement, good competition and inter-scholastic sports event. These process are suppose to suggest recovery of human’s original existential value from scientific investigation of the body and from dehumanization.
The Educational Thought and Physical Education of Whang-Kyung Koh a.k.a. Bahrom 체육철학 : 바롬 고황경의 교육사상과 체육교육
42(6) 65-75, 2003
The Educational Thought and Physical Education of Whang-Kyung Koh a.k.a. Bahrom 체육철학 : 바롬 고황경의 교육사상과 체육교육
Dr. Whang-Kyung Koh a.k.a. Bahrom was brought up in a Christian family. She has wielded considerable influence on the education and feminine sectors in Korea asan educator, a university chancellor, the head of a civic organization, and a female Christian leader.
Although Bahrom majored in sociology and laws rather than physical education, she managed a university and prepared a physical education program. This program was regarded as unique and ahead of its time. The author believes that the program is considerably related to her educational thought and aims to determine the relationship between her educational thought and physical education program.
The educational thought of Bahrom can be largely grouped into moral education, practical education, quality education, and lifelong education. Her physical education program was developed based on such educational thought and broken down into regular subjects, special subjects, and club activities. The regular and special subjects included cycling, skating, swimming, and judo. Students could not graduate unless they completed these subjects. Other physical education subjects such as golf, Western archery, volleyball, and softball were especially added and emphasized as regular optional subjects or club activity subject. Cycling, skating, swimming, and judo were all in the school subjects not only because they were intended to improve the health of students but also because they met Bahrom’s practical education thought of everyday practicality.
Cycling was a means of transportation. On the other hand, ice sports and swimming were designed to enable students to adapt to nature and learn to practice safety. Likewise, judo was considered a means of self-defense. During Bahrom’s time, even athletes regarded golf as an extravagant and a luxury sport. Nonetheless, she selected the sport as a school subject because she wanted to differentiate her school from others and train her students to become promising female leaders. Bahrom’s moral education and quality education were reflected in a high-class sprot such as golf, which respects social fellowship and etiquette. Volleyball and softball were intended to help students adapt to society, i.e., socialization. Realizing oneself in a community was one of the goals of Bahrom’s moral education. Western archery was useful in mind control training: it could also be enjoyed by both normal and differently abled people.
Bahrom’s educational thought and physical education program were very meaningful not only during her time but also today especially since it is not easy to create sense of balance and sympathy zone. For example, physical education programs(i.e., cycling) contribute to the preservation of the natural environment and the maintenance and development of health of modern people who are living in urban areas that have inappropriate surroundings and suffering from lack of physical exercises. Furthermore, saving the energy of society is essential. The author believes that considering how physical education programs should be operated and executed in the present and future societies requires investigating further and highlighting Bahrom’s educational thought and developing her physical education program.
Key Words
bahrom’s educational thought, physical education
Researching Field Experience on the Golfer's Alterative processing of Body Consciousness 체육철학 : 골퍼의 신체의식 변화과정에 대한 현장체험 연구
이광호KwangHo-Lee , 윤여탁YeotakYoon
42(6) 77-89, 2003
Researching Field Experience on the Golfer's Alterative processing of Body Consciousness 체육철학 : 골퍼의 신체의식 변화과정에 대한 현장체험 연구
이광호KwangHo-Lee , 윤여탁YeotakYoon
The purpose of this study was to explore and understand the golfer’s alterative processing of body consciousness on golf training in which golfers would experience the variable consciousness and belief etc.
The study of human consciousness demands of qualitative research paradigm because human consciousness is not countable as well as emphatic on the process of interpretation and reinterpretation constantly from the perspective of researcher. So this research used the qualitative methodology which revealed golfer’s inner conscious in life of golf training. For this study, 5 amateur-golfers being professional golfer were selected as the research participants. Data collection included mainly participation observation and in-depth interview about 2-years.
The results of this study are as follows :
The flows of golfer’s consciousness in the process of golf training were the consciousness of imitation, creativity, the identification of body, the formation of self-confidence, transcendence, lived self-space, and de-tenacity.
In conclusion, golfer experienced alterative consciousness that is processing of interpretation and comes true constantly. Specially, the various consciousness world is created by golfer’s awareness of moving and meaning of their peculiar experience world. Also, they made no doubt of these experiences of knowledge.
Key Words
field experience, consciounsness
A Study on the Thought of Physical Education in Korea 한국체육사상에 관한 연구 -도(道)체험을 중심으로-
42(6) 91-98, 2003
A Study on the Thought of Physical Education in Korea 한국체육사상에 관한 연구 -도(道)체험을 중심으로-
The thought of physical education in Korea has so far developed on the basis of the thought of Western physical education. In the 21st century, however, a new ideological turn is demanded grounded on the typical identity and relevance in Korea.
In other words, the experience of "Tao thoght" need to be mastered. Korean sports now has to find its own identify and relevance beyond sovereignty by seeking harmony between tradition of military-revering spirit and the Western concepts of physical education. One concrete example is the outstanding spread of Taekwondo, representing Korea’s unique sports culture and meeting the global standards of systematization and organization. It is practically known to none around the world, including the U.S.A., Europe and China.
In sum, The thought of physical education in Korea may well progress in the direction of "Tao philosophy"
Key Words
Identity and relevance, the experience of ‘tao thought’, taekwondo
Inquiry in teaching method of sport philosophy 체육철학 : 스포츠철학의 교수방법 탐구: 신언서판(身言書判) 중심의 교수법
42(6) 99-106, 2003
Inquiry in teaching method of sport philosophy 체육철학 : 스포츠철학의 교수방법 탐구: 신언서판(身言書判) 중심의 교수법
The purpose of this study is to investigate the alternative methods for teaching methods of sport philosophy. Recently, the lecture of sport philosophy is disappearing from major curriculums of physical education in Korean university. It means the crisis of humanity studies, or the crisis of sport philosophy. In addition, because only usefulness and economic value are considered important values in Korean university and Korean society. Therefore, those who major in sport philosophy disappear more and more out of Korean universities. In order to solve these problems, in relation to reflation dimension, the researcher suggests two methods: discussion method and writing method as new alternative methods. The one is to write a comprehensive philosophy of sport experiences. The other is to develope a philosophic position for some problems. Throughout these methods, students will be encouraged to write a personal philosophy of sport, and then acquire meaningful facts through discussion and writing.
Key Words
Teaching method, discussion method, write method, sport philosophy
An inquiry on resistance to women's bodily discourse in female athletes 체육철학 : 신체적 담론에 대한 여성운동선수들의 저항성에 관한 연구
42(6) 107-116, 2003
An inquiry on resistance to women's bodily discourse in female athletes 체육철학 : 신체적 담론에 대한 여성운동선수들의 저항성에 관한 연구
The purpose of this was to explore the types of resistances to women’s bodily discourse in women’s soccer players. I used feminist and post-structuralist frameworks to analyze representations of women’s bodies, to explore specific processes of meaning construction and the political implications of such constructions. By exploring particular discursive structures and strategies that produced women’s bodies. I shed light on the transformation in women’s sport and specific produces by which a seemingly radical body politics yielded contradictory results with ramifications that reached beyond the athletic arena.
Participants were five national-competition-level women’s soccer players. The method of data collection used mainly in-depth interviews and participation observation.
The results were that the women’s soccer players had somewhat revealed reverse resistance to the dominant women’s bodily discourse, they also had shown the resistance and possibilities of change to the discourse. Feministic embodiment perspective would be considered the potent resources of the soccer practices.
Key Words
body, feminism, post-structure, resistance
A Hermeneutics-Phenomenological Study on Dance Experience of the Professional male Dancer 체육철학 : 남성 직업무용수의 무용경험에 관한 해석학적 현상학 연구
주현아JooHyun-Ah , 여인성YeoIn-Sung
42(6) 117-128, 2003
A Hermeneutics-Phenomenological Study on Dance Experience of the Professional male Dancer 체육철학 : 남성 직업무용수의 무용경험에 관한 해석학적 현상학 연구
주현아JooHyun-Ah , 여인성YeoIn-Sung
The purpose of the present study is to explore what the dancing experiences mean to professional male dancers and to discover the identity of professional male dancers, not as assistants to female dancers but as independent dancers. The dancing experiences here include their life-long experiences starting from how they first started dancing.
For better understanding of the experiences, an approach should be taken that can illustrate their immediate experiences and how they understand cultural phenomena. For this reason, the present study attempted to investigate the professional male dancer’s motive of starting dancing, the world experienced through dancing,’ and ‘their sexual identity,’ through interviewing with professional male dancers.
The study took an interpretive phenomenological approach. Specifically, four professional male dancers, who are current members of the National Dance Organization, were chosen as subjects. The data were collected through subjects’ work diaries, in-depth interviews, filed observations, and videotaping. The results were categorized into three themes such as ‘meeting with dance,’ ‘dancing self,’ and ‘sexuality & dance.’
In ‘meeting with dance,’ it was presented that subjects usually started dancing by others’ recommendation or self interest. The subjects experienced both positive and negative reaction from their family and friends when they started dancing. In ‘dancing self,’ it was shown that dancing. They frequently looked into a mirror, did make-up, and dressed their hair for their dancing performance. One of the most important goals for the male dancers was to win the "D" contest, which awards its prize winners an exemption from military services as well as public recognition, In the third category ‘sexuality and dance,’ it was indicated that subjects felt like being the neuter gender, and it helped them express the harmony of Yin and Yang.
Professional male dancers should not just follow the traditional dancing movements developed for female dancers, but create their own ways to express their thoughts and ideas. They deserve to the main players of the dancing world, not just assistants to female partners.
Key Words
dance experience, hermeneutics phenomenology
TV Sport Journalism Deployment With the Change in Korean Broadcasting Environment 체육철학 : 방송 환경의 변화에 따른 TV 스포츠 저널리즘의 전개 양상
최병호ChoiBeung-Ho , 정찬수JungChan-Soo
42(6) 129-140, 2003
TV Sport Journalism Deployment With the Change in Korean Broadcasting Environment 체육철학 : 방송 환경의 변화에 따른 TV 스포츠 저널리즘의 전개 양상
최병호ChoiBeung-Ho , 정찬수JungChan-Soo
This research sought to review the development of TV sport journalism in line with TV broadcasting environment. It thus classified TV sport journalism chronologically according to changes in the government’s broadcasting policies and TV broadcasting environment, and reviewed its development, thus coming up with the following conclusions.
First, TV sport journalism, at its initial stage, was characterized by its role in unifying the people who were tired of colonial rule and Korean War, and in heightening the social mood leading to solidarity. Also, TV sport journalism, through featuring good performance in international competitions, awakened Koreans to their potential and the possibility of economic development. TV sport journalism at its leap stage was characterized by it being used as blindfolding civic movements. However, it is true that it helped promote the nationalism through the activation of satellite broadcasting of international competitions and through having sports programs in place. TV sport journalism at its growth stage was characterized by the accumulation of know-how on sports broadcasting following the launch of professional baseball and soccer, and the holding of Seoul Olympic Games and Asian Games likewise provided opportunities to make the country’s sports broadcasting technology known worldwide. In particular, the introduction of color TV helped feature vitality and liveliness and luxury of sports. And, TV sport journalism at its developmental stage was characterized by having satellite live broadcasting in place through various international sports events such as Atlanta and Barcelona Olympics, and FIFA World Cups in Italy, France and United States. Also, the overseas advancement enabled people to watch live overseas-advanced players perform matches, thereby meeting the audience’s satisfaction and expectation. And, their activities served as a refresher in helping the nation overcome the foreign exchange crisis in 1997-1998. Lastly, the crisis phase is characterized by the conversion of media reception mechanism following the popularization of Internet. Due to various merits of Internet, TV watchers are converted into Internet users, thereby devaluing TV. Likewise, existing newspapers, magazines, radio and TV media are being incorporated into Internet environment. Hence, efforts should be made to change TV broadcasting mechanism environment into a creative and new environment.
Key Words
TV sport journalism, korean broadcasting environmen
Argument on social meaning of golf in Korea 스포츠사회학 : 한국 골프의 사회적 의미에 관한 담론
42(6) 143-151, 2003
Argument on social meaning of golf in Korea 스포츠사회학 : 한국 골프의 사회적 의미에 관한 담론
As golf people increased into 3 million recently, golf became one of popular sports in Korea. Besides of it, golf lead to several changes: creation of golf channel in cable TV, enlargment of market of golf equipments, increasement of building golf course. Popularization of golf in Korea resulted in a lot of changes in their life style: they enjoyed natual environment, solved their stress, conversed with friends, their companion and family, increased their health, competed with themselves through this game and were able to learn life.
Then, golf in Korea included a lot of problems: gambling golf culture, expensive golf equipment and rounding fee, demonstration of social position, deepening gap among social classes, harmful effect of golf-lobby culture, destroy of nature and ecology, noise stress, water pollution, spread of agricultural medicine. They induced arguments and criticism against golf.
Through literature study, this study is to analyse main issues relating with golf: social pure-function and dys-function of golf, golf and politics, golf as sports industry and environment.
Finally the matter that we have to solve in golf is that we should have golf make up sports for all to be able to solve their stress, train their mind and body and lead to let golf be a nature-affinity and an environment-affinity sport. Therefore, all of us inclduing Government should search for serval ways that all the people without limitation of gender and age can participate golf with cheap expense.
Key Words
golf, social significance
The Qualitative Analysis of the Body Image of Women Aesthetic Expression Athletes 스포츠사회학 : 미적 표현운동 여자선수들의 바디 이미지에 관한 질적 분석
권기남KwonKi-Nam , 송은주LimSoo-Woen , 임수원SongEun-Joo
42(6) 153-163, 2003
The Qualitative Analysis of the Body Image of Women Aesthetic Expression Athletes 스포츠사회학 : 미적 표현운동 여자선수들의 바디 이미지에 관한 질적 분석
권기남KwonKi-Nam , 송은주LimSoo-Woen , 임수원SongEun-Joo
In this study, at first. I examined the ideal body image of women aesthetic expression athletes. And I looked into the relationship between the body image and self-consciousness analyzing the main causes of the conflict in the body image during performance, and the resulting action and attitude from the conflict.
For this research I selected nine participants in total (four national athletes and five university amateur players) and used the qualitative method. For research materials I conducted an in-depth interview, not-present observation, and collected related documents.
Most of research participants described as an ideal image the body image modeled on the Western style of body, and expressed that they were not satisfied with their own bodies even though they were slim. And it revealed that coaches and co-groups played very important roles in the conflict of body image as significant others.
They also thought that it is helpful to maintain low weight to win in a competition and suffered from the psychological burden of weight control and a diet. It turned out that they were on a diet, or miss meals, or eat too much to overcome the conflict of body image. Too strict a diet and fasting led to a problem in the human relationship. And the disagreement between the ideal body image and their actual bodies caused very little regard for their own bodies and hurted self-esteem. The successful diet to overcome the conflict of body image had a positive effect on self-confidence or self-accomplishment, while the failure in a diet brought about guilt, depression, the loss of self-confidence, or self-disregard which made them diffident in their argument, being conscious of others’ opinions firstha
Key Words
aesthetic expnession athletes, body image, eating disorder
Reinterpreting the Red Devils: Critique of Post-World Cup Discourse 스포츠사회학 : 붉은악마 현상의 재해석: 포스트 월드컵 담론 비판
권순용KwonSun-Yong , 김방출KimBang-Chool
42(6) 165-177, 2003
Reinterpreting the Red Devils: Critique of Post-World Cup Discourse 스포츠사회학 : 붉은악마 현상의 재해석: 포스트 월드컵 담론 비판
권순용KwonSun-Yong , 김방출KimBang-Chool
In noting unprecedented social transformations the Korean society experienced during the 2002 Korea-Japan World Cup, the discursive space of post-World Cup was rapidly formed as an intellectual effort to understand ways in which the exciting social changes were generated as well as roles that the Red Devils played. The purpose of this study is twofold: 1) to analyze salient themes regarding how the post-World Cup discourse understood the Red Devils phenomenon: 2) to offer a new understanding of the Red Devils phenomenon by introducing the concept of new social movements and showing the identity formation process of the Red Devils.
Seven prevailing themes were identified: 1) the discovery of new communitarianism: 2) the demise of modern ideologies: 3) national pride and Asianhood discourse: 4) the rise of new generation: 5) the celebration of civil engagement: 6) the revival of history and traditions: 7) feminization. A critical discussion was made regarding the themes conceptual neglect of human agency. In order to reinterpret the Red Devils phenomenon as a new social movement, a brief historical overview identified the human agency of the Red Devils as they continued to strive for forming and confirming their own identity.
Key Words
Korea-japan world cup,post-world cup,red devils
The Relationship between the Type of Sports Heroes and the Trend of Sports Reports through Mass Media: Focus on Korea National Football Players in 2002 FIFA WORLD CUP 스포츠사회학 : 스포츠영웅의 유형과 대중매체의 스포츠 보도 경향의 관계: 2002 한·일 FIFA 월드컵 한국 국가대표선수를 중심으로
42(6) 179-190, 2003
The Relationship between the Type of Sports Heroes and the Trend of Sports Reports through Mass Media: Focus on Korea National Football Players in 2002 FIFA WORLD CUP 스포츠사회학 : 스포츠영웅의 유형과 대중매체의 스포츠 보도 경향의 관계: 2002 한·일 FIFA 월드컵 한국 국가대표선수를 중심으로
The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between the type of sport heroes and the trend of sport reports through mass media. For accomplishing this purpose of the study, the 320 subject were selected by stratified cluster random sampling method from college students of 8 colleges located in Seoul.
The survey questionnaires were used to collect data. The questionnaire for type of sport heroes and trend of sports report defined by Koo, Chang-MO(1998). The factor analysis was used for verify of reliability and validity.
The statistical methods utilized in this study for analyzing the collected data were reliability analysis, factor analysis, descriptive statistics, one-way ANOVA, and analysis of covariance.
From the analyses of the data, this study reached the following conclusions were obtained:
First, the recognition of the sports hero that they like best varied according to the sport hero type. People recognize Jeong-hwan Ahn not only as a winner type hero but also as a splendid performer type hero. They recognize Myeong-bo Hong as a hero of social acceptability, Cheon-su Lee as a hero with an independent spirit, and Tae-young Kim as a group servant type hero.
Second, there are differences in perception on sports reporting inclination according to socio-demographic characteristic variables.
Third, there is difference in sports reporting inclination according to sports hero type. Regarding group servant type, mass media show the high inclination of moral reporting, regarding heroes of social acceptability they show the high inclination of symbolic reporting, regarding heroes of independent spirits they a high inclination of unique reporting and regarding winner type heroes, they show a high inclination of fictional reporting.
Key Words
type of sport heroes, trend of sport reports
The Semiotics Analysis for the Meaning System of Sports Cartoons 스포츠사회학 : 스포츠만평의 의미체계에 대한 기호학적 분석
남재화NamJea-hwa , 이종영LeeJong-Young
42(6) 191-199, 2003
The Semiotics Analysis for the Meaning System of Sports Cartoons 스포츠사회학 : 스포츠만평의 의미체계에 대한 기호학적 분석
남재화NamJea-hwa , 이종영LeeJong-Young
The purpose of this study was to analyze the meaning system of sports cartoons using semiotics analysis method.
For accomplishing the purpose of this study, two sports cartoons dealing with soccer were selected using random sampling method from sports newspaper.
From the analysis of this study, the following conclusions were obtained:
Sports cartoons represent denotation as the first meaning system, connotation as the second meaning system of denotation, and also myth as the third meaning system which denotes faith, value, and a common idea of human. That is, sports cartoons don`t exist in itself, but can have meaning within the context of sport culture, and also the sport cartoon dealing with soccer produce an identity results.
Key Words
sports cartoon, semiotics
Relationships among Dance Participation, Perceived Self-Competence, and Satisfaction of Major in University Students of Dance Major 무용전공 대학생의 무용참가와 자기능력지각 및 전공만족의 관계
백순기BaekSoon-Gi , 배소심BeaSo-Sim
42(6) 201-209, 2003
Relationships among Dance Participation, Perceived Self-Competence, and Satisfaction of Major in University Students of Dance Major 무용전공 대학생의 무용참가와 자기능력지각 및 전공만족의 관계
백순기BaekSoon-Gi , 배소심BeaSo-Sim
The purpose of this study was to investigate relationships among dance participation, perceived self-competence, and satisfaction of major in university students of dance major. The subjects of this research were sampled 472 dance majoring university students and 225 general students who lived in Seoul and Gyeonggi-do using purposive sampling method. The survey questionnarie were used to collect data. The questionnaire for perceived self-competence develop by Harter(1982)’s PCS scale. To analyze the data, independent samples descriptive analysis, t-test, multiple correlation, and multiple regression analysis were used in this study. Based on the procedures and results, the following conclusions were obtained: First, the dance majoring students are higher than the general students on perceived self-competence such as, socal competence, general self-worth, conduct behavior and physical attractiveness. And also, the dance majoring are higher than the general on satisfaction of professor. Second, the degree of dance participation is partially significant influence on the perceived self-competence and satisfaction of major. Third, the perceived self-competence is partially significant influence on satisfaction of major. Fourth, each variables of degree of dance participation, perceived self-competence, and satisfaction of major have a cause and effect relationships.
Key Words
dance participation, perceived self-competence, satisfaction of major
The Effect of Sports Activity Participation Level of Ego-Identity and Social Relationship of Late Adolescents 청소년 후기 스포츠활동 참여수준에 따른 자아정체감 및 사회적 관계
42(6) 211-221, 2003
The Effect of Sports Activity Participation Level of Ego-Identity and Social Relationship of Late Adolescents 청소년 후기 스포츠활동 참여수준에 따른 자아정체감 및 사회적 관계
The purpose of this research was to examine how sports and or athletic participation effects late adolescents ego-identity and social relationship. The subject ages range was between 19 and 24 years old. The subjects come from the capital of Seoul, Taegu City, Jeonju City, Kangrueng City and the township of Yeoju, Yangyang from 2003 to present. 879 subjects were studied utilizing stratified cluster random sampling.
Results from data acquired from this research are as follows.
1. Ego-identity and social relationship differ on the basis of group participation. Subjectivity and intimacy are higher in the self-awareness factor. Intimacy ans social support are relatively higher than other factors according to social relationship. Ego-identity lower factors such as subjectivity, intimacy, and self acceptance are connected to social relationship lower factors such as intimacy and social support in organized participation.
2. Ego-identity and social relationship differ on the basis of non-group participation. Initiative, self-acceptance, future conviction is higher in the ego-identity factor. Intimacy, contact frequency, and social support are relatively higher than other factors in regards to the social relationship factor. Lower factors of ego-identity such as initiative, self-acceptance, and future convictions are connected to lower factors of social relationship such as intimacy, contact frequency, and social support in non-organized participation.
Key Words
late adolesoents ego-identity, social relationship
Relationship between Participation on Leisure Sports Activity, and Self-Actualization 스포츠사회학 : 생활체육활동 참가와 자아실현의 관계
장호중HoJung-Jan , 김영수KimYoung-Soo , 김종백KimJong-Back
42(6) 223-231, 2003
Relationship between Participation on Leisure Sports Activity, and Self-Actualization 스포츠사회학 : 생활체육활동 참가와 자아실현의 관계
장호중HoJung-Jan , 김영수KimYoung-Soo , 김종백KimJong-Back
The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between participation in leisure sport activities and self-actualization. To accomplish this research purpose, there were two research questions: 1) Is there difference on self-actualization according to the presence of participation in leisure sport activities? and 2) Will the degree of participation in leasure sport activities influence the level of self-actualization? This study aims at figuring out the relationship of participation on leisure sports activity, and self-actualization. Firstly, the difference self-actualization, the leisure sports activity participant, Secondly, the influence self-actualization the leisure sports activity participant degree.
The population for this study was participants in public and private sport centers located in Seoul. The final 376 responses (Male 179, Female 197), collected by cluster random selecting method, were used in the data analysis procedure. The items for measuring self-actualization were largely based on Min (1986)s study, and the degree of participation in leisure sport activities was measured by the period, frequence, and intensity of participation. To analyze the final data (376), the reliability analysis, analysis of covariance, multiple classification analysis, and multiple regression analysis were used.
The conclusions for this study were as followings:
1) There were statistically significant differences on both sum of self-actualization and sub-factors of actualization (potential ability development, ability display, and realization of an ideal), according to the presence of participation in leisure sport activities. That is, the participants in leisure sport activities were higher in the level of self-actualization than non-participants.
2) The degree of participation in leisure sport activities partially influenced the level of self-actualization. The results represented that only the period of participation positively influenced both sum of self-actualization and sub-factors of actualization (potential ability development, ability display, and realization of an ideal). While, there were no significant relationships between the frequence and intensity of participation and self-actualization.
Key Words
leisure sports activity, self-actualization
The Relationship between Needs of Sport activity and Sport Participation of Tennis Club Member 스포츠사회학 : 테니스 동호인의 스포츠활동 욕구와 스포츠 참가의 관계
42(6) 233-240, 2003
The Relationship between Needs of Sport activity and Sport Participation of Tennis Club Member 스포츠사회학 : 테니스 동호인의 스포츠활동 욕구와 스포츠 참가의 관계
The primary purpose of this study was to analyze and examine the relationship between needs of sport activity and participation in sport of tennis club member. More specifically, this study was to investigate the influence of the needs of sport activity of tennis club member on behavioral, cognitive, and affective participation in sport.
Subjects of this study were sampled the 361 members of tennis club in Inchon city using stratified cluster random sampling method.
Data were collected by using the questionnaire whose validity and reliability were tested. the methods of statistics used to analyze the collected data were correlation analysis, multiple regression analysis.
Based on the procedures and results of the study, the following conclusions were warranted :
First, needs of sport activity has effect on behavioral participation in sport that is to say, needs of excitement, catharsis and achievement/showing increases the degree of behavioral participation in sport.
Second, needs of sport activity has effect on cognitive participation in sport that is to say, needs of excitement and catharsis increases the degree of cognitive participation in sport.
Third, needs of sport activity has effect on affective participation in sport that is to say, needs of excitement and social relationship increases the degree of affective participation in sport.
Key Words
needs of sport activity, sport participation
The analysis of social environmental factors for marine-sports popularization 스포츠사회학 : 해양스포츠 대중화를 위한 사회적 환경요인 분석
42(6) 241-251, 2003
The analysis of social environmental factors for marine-sports popularization 스포츠사회학 : 해양스포츠 대중화를 위한 사회적 환경요인 분석
This study’s aims are how to be formed the social environmental factors in marine-sports popularization, what are their rolls and how to get at the root of points to follow on.
In consequence of the research to social environmental which influences on marine-sports popularization, safety regulations and stability factors, especially population density, of social environmental factors are nearly satisfactory. But it needs supple ments that program, leader, policy, instrument factors are. And I suggest, if it is capable to come forward in succession of professional human power through the curriculum of schools which is filled with many subjects of marine-sports and educations materials, it is sufficient to program and leader factors together. Additionally, it needs to establish the ‘national marine-sports an in-Service Training Institute’ for public marine attractive education. if the policy factors are estimated suitably considering the present condition, we will get better result. Additionally, though the ship construction technologies stranded close by instrument factors beat the World, the marine-sports instruments are below the level of building a ship. Systematical studies are not enough about a yacht as well as motorboat If there are contributions of relevant field, it is capable to export the world-wide goods. We have to work on positive lines governmentally in nationalization of instrument for the rearing of marine-sports. So marine-sports’s marketability are superior because of the inside and outside of the country’s high population density.
Key Words
marine-sports, water activity sports
Articles Writing of Korea-Japan Soccer Matches in Internet Sports Newspapers 스포츠사회학 : 인터넷 스포츠신문 한·일 축구경기 기사의 언어기호 성향과 문제점
42(6) 259-275, 2003
Articles Writing of Korea-Japan Soccer Matches in Internet Sports Newspapers 스포츠사회학 : 인터넷 스포츠신문 한·일 축구경기 기사의 언어기호 성향과 문제점
This research conducted linguistic sign analyses of headlines and sub-headlines of articles on Korea-Japan soccer matches in Internet sports newspapers, and aimed to discuss the inclination and the corresponding problems. Towards the end, the research downloaded articles of Korea-Japan soccer matches in the Korea’s five Internet sports newspapers, using Hangeul 2002 program. It thus conducted preposition, categorization and over-lexicalization analysis of the headlines and sub-headlines.
As a result, the following conclusion was induced. First, Internet sports newspapers preposition Korea-Japan soccer matches as disaster composition and battle composition, as well as pursuing victory, nationalism, nativism and ideology. Second, In pre-positioning disaster composition, battle composition and ideology, they used various types of categorization linguistic signs. Likewise, they categorize the disaster composition in the form of outpost of disaster, in the middle of disaster, and disaster results, while they categorize the battle composition in the form of solders, weapons, war, strategies, warring situations, and acts in violation of laws.
Third, victory-pursuing linguistic signs categorize ‘players with great contribution, solution to victory, and inevitability of victory.’ Categorization linguistic signs related to defeat to defeat mostly describe very extreme and negative psychologies. Likewise, nationalism-oriented linguistic signs categorize nationalism, colonialism historical view, post-colonialism historical view, and of this categorization linguistic signs pre-positioning colonialism historical view are the most intensified. Also, in case of nativism-oriented categorization linguistic sings, the abuse of Chinese words was found to be problematic.
Fourth, articles on Korea-Japan soccer matches in Internet sports newspapers use various types of over-lexicalization that categorize ‘weight of match, outpost of match, progression of match, ending of match, and aftermath of match.’ Notably, over-lexicalization related to the aftermath of match consists mostly of extreme psychological description. Fifth, headlines are more inclined to categorization and over-lexicalization than sub-headlines. This phenomenon is identical in the five Internet sports newspapers.
Key Words
korea-Japan soccer matches, internet sports newspapers, presupposition, categorization, over-lexicalization analysis
The effects of the participation in recreational sports activityon the mental health of the middle aged woman 스포츠심리학 : 중년여성의 생활체육 참여가 정신건강에 미치는 영향
김승철KimSeng-Cheul , 심향보SimHyang-Bo
42(6) 273-280, 2003
The effects of the participation in recreational sports activityon the mental health of the middle aged woman 스포츠심리학 : 중년여성의 생활체육 참여가 정신건강에 미치는 영향
김승철KimSeng-Cheul , 심향보SimHyang-Bo
The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of recreational sports activity of middle aged woman on mental health of the middle aged women. A total of 249 subjects (participants of recreational sports activity in Seoul : 122 non-participants of recreational sports activity: 127 were randomly selected. SCL-900R was conducted to test the difference in mental health between participants and non-participants. The results were as follows:
First. The result shows women who join in leisure sport have better condition of mentally and physically in their thirties compare with who don’t take part in.
Second. It shows there is no difference between two groups in their forties.
Third. It also shows women who join in leisure sports have better condition of mentally such as anxiety, obsessional neurosis, hypochondria, paranoia, panic, etc. in their fifties compare with others.
Key Words
middle aged woman, recreational sports activity, mental health
The Relationship Between Being-Addicted-to-Golf and the Adaptation to Life 스포츠심리학 : 골프중독성향과 생활적응과의 관계
42(6) 281-287, 2003
The Relationship Between Being-Addicted-to-Golf and the Adaptation to Life 스포츠심리학 : 골프중독성향과 생활적응과의 관계
This study focuses on finding out the effect of being-addicted-to-golf on an adaptation on life. First of all, I examined the difference in the level of the subject’s being-addicted0to-golf on the basis of each variable.
Second, I also examined the relationship between being-addicted-to-golf and their adaption to life. The subjects are made up of 455 regular members of golf practice ranges located in Gangwon-do. This study is based on the questionnaire developed by Shin Guy-ry(1999), but I adapted his scale of sports-addiction to that of golf-addiction. And my questionnaire about an adaption of life borrows Han Seung-back’s version of the questionnaire on the basis of an SASS (Social Adaptation Self-rating Scale) developed by Bosc, Dubini & Polin (1997).
The findings indicate that men tend to be more addicted-to-golf than women, and the degree of being-addicted-to-golf among groups varies with the frequency and time length of practicing golf. However, it is estimated that the age and golf career of golfers do not influence the degree of being-addicted-to-golf. In terms of the relationship between being-addicted-to-golf are better adapted to life, but this does not show a significant difference statistically. What is important is that the level of being-addicted-to-golf have a very significant effect on the variables related to their adaptation to life.
In consequence, to their job, and being well-adapted to their job leads to being well-adapted to their family life, leisure and social activities, etc.
Key Words
addiction to witherawal symptom
An analysis of images on personality characteristic of sports heroes 스포츠심리학 : 스포츠 영웅의 성격 특성적 이미지 분석
성창훈SeongChang-Hoon , 박상혁ParkSang-Hyuk
42(6) 289-297, 2003
An analysis of images on personality characteristic of sports heroes 스포츠심리학 : 스포츠 영웅의 성격 특성적 이미지 분석
성창훈SeongChang-Hoon , 박상혁ParkSang-Hyuk
The purposes of this study were to investigate the proper characteristic terms for sports heroes from everyday expression, and to research structural features of those terms. To these end, 3 times of surveys had been done. Open questionnaires were used for the first college 150 students to identify the basic characteristic terms. The answers to the individual items of the questionnaires were classified as intellectual, behavioral, and emotional characteristics, and had been joined to the pre-studied meaning of characteristics factor. As a result, 144 image characteristic terms were appeared, and 120 characteristic terms were derived from three researchers’ agreement. Propriety test of four hundred people had revealed 70 characteristic terms of sports heroes’ image. Structural feature research had discovered six factors of amazement, admiration, brutality, solidity, dehumanity, and dynamic. Normal persons’ perception of sports heroes’ image had appeared multi-dimensional, as the results of preceded studies, and this was the base for further discussion.
Key Words
sport hero, image, personality characteristic
The effect of contextual interference effect in reminder trail in motor learning 스포츠심리학 : 운동학습에서 암시시행이 맥락간섭효과에 미치는 영향
42(6) 299-307, 2003
The effect of contextual interference effect in reminder trail in motor learning 스포츠심리학 : 운동학습에서 암시시행이 맥락간섭효과에 미치는 영향
The proposed of this study was to analyze an influence of the mechanisms for suppression response and the mechanisms of reinstatement leading to several specific predictions on reminder performance according to a reminder trial at practice schedule and randomly practice schedule. The task of experiment was the process that was a pressing movement computer key-pad continuously, and was processing to press from the start key to the other key. By twelve participants was assigned to the four conditions(BP-NR, BP-R, RP-NR, RP-R) through three tasks of each opposite condition, and was assigned according to position change of training schedule, whether presenting of reminder trial or not at the last level of acquistion and difference of retention interval.
The results of this study are as follows:
In acquistion phase, block practice schedule condition were faster in compared to randomly practice schedule condition. When reminder trial was not given, log-PT was slower during retention for conditions that blocked practice schedule condition compared to the conditions that random practice schedule condition. When reminder trial was given, retention was no different between block practice schedule condition and random practice schedule condition in log-PT. The presentation of the reminder trial not provided the accuracy advantage at schedule condition of randomly practice.
Key Words
reminder trial effect, contextual interference effect, motor learning
The Effects of Psyching-up Methods on the Performance of Muscle Strength During Gross Motor Movement 스포츠심리학 : 대근운동시 심기향상 기법이 근력발휘에 미치는 영향
조현익ChoHyun-Ik , 소영호SoYoung-Ho , 김기홍KimKi-Hong
42(6) 309-318, 2003
The Effects of Psyching-up Methods on the Performance of Muscle Strength During Gross Motor Movement 스포츠심리학 : 대근운동시 심기향상 기법이 근력발휘에 미치는 영향
조현익ChoHyun-Ik , 소영호SoYoung-Ho , 김기홍KimKi-Hong
In order to identify the effects of psyching-up on the performance of sports, this study examined to identify changes in muscular strength when psyching-up techniques were applied while perfoming gross motor movement, which is closely connected with the level of arousal.
Total of 16 male subjects who were consisted into eight weight lifters and eight students majoring in general sport studies. Regarding the effect of psyching-up techniques, the peak torque (%BW) of the extensor and flexor of their right knee joints, total work (%BW), and changes in average power (%BW)were tested by using Cybex 770. Outcome data were analysed by SPSS Ver 10.0. All measured items were statistically averaged and calculated for standard deviations in order to define the analysis of change in muscle. Between the two groups, the two way ANOVA with repeated measures was used. In addition to measure changes in muscle strength in the same group, depending on whether psyching-up techniques were offered, the paired t-test was used. The statistical significant level was set at α=.05.
After all the procedures, the results of this study were summarized as follows.
First, psyching-up techniques had a significant effects on all muscular strength - peak torque, total work, average power - except the extensor at the angular speed of 60˚/sec.
Second, psyching-up techniques didn’t show significant difference in peak torque, total work, and average power between the groups.
Third, whether psyching-p techniques affected muscular strength or not, the both groups showed a significant difference in the extensor and flexor in the total work.
Key Words
psyching-up, muscle strength, gross motor movement
A Study on the understanding of elementary school teachers about physical education curriculum 스포츠교육학 : 초등학교 교사들의 체육과 교육과정에 대한 인식 연구
박대권ParkDae-Gown , 신영길SinYoung-Gil
42(6) 321-330, 2003
A Study on the understanding of elementary school teachers about physical education curriculum 스포츠교육학 : 초등학교 교사들의 체육과 교육과정에 대한 인식 연구
박대권ParkDae-Gown , 신영길SinYoung-Gil
The objectives of this study is to clarify the understanding of elementary school teachers about the 7th physical education curriculum(character, goal, content, evaluation, method). To achieve the purpose, we surveyed with questionnaire that requires personal opinions to the questions and interviewed 6 teachers of two schools in Dae-Gu city. And we collected the concerned literatures. The appropriateness and reliability of the study were examined by multi-angle approach, specialist meeting and review of participants.
Results are as follows.
First, teachers had a tendency to interpret the character that we proposed in the 7th physical education curriculum according to their own way of thought rather than to understand it with total information of the study.
Second, teachers tended to set the goals of curriculum according to their values and actual conditions.
Third, teachers are shown that they try to select the contents of the curriculum that were proposed in the 7th physical education curriculum, but they also care about the students’ preference and the actual conditions of their schools. About evaluation, the methods proposed in the 7th physical education curriculum were not taken actions by many reasons. Instead, the methods that were used previously were still used.
Forth teachers are shown that they try to come up with various methods to interest the students to achieve the goals that the 7th physical education curriculum propose. But they seemed to have difficulties because of the actual barriers and the teachers’ their own limits.
Key Words
physical education curriculum
The Effects of Physical Education Teachers' Instruction Type on Teacher Satisfaction and Class Satisfaction 스포츠교육학 : 체육교사의 지도유형이 교사만족과 수업 만족에 미치는 영향
박윤식ParkYoon-Shick , 신정택ShinJung-Taek
42(6) 331-339, 2003
The Effects of Physical Education Teachers' Instruction Type on Teacher Satisfaction and Class Satisfaction 스포츠교육학 : 체육교사의 지도유형이 교사만족과 수업 만족에 미치는 영향
박윤식ParkYoon-Shick , 신정택ShinJung-Taek
The purpose of this study ws to identify the effects of instruction type of physical education teachers on teacher satisfaction and class satisfaction in selectes middle schools in which they are involved students, to guide teachers in developing instruction type, class attitudes and class satisfaction to meet the changing needs of the youth they serve. It was designed to replicate and expand the findings of Hersey and Blanchard(1982), Cho(1996) and Lee(1994) studies, to measure leader effectiveness and class satisfaction. The subjects(N=203) was selected by convenience sampling method from middle schools in Seoul, All data were analyzed by reiability analysis, independent sample t-test, one-way ANOVA, cluster analysis, Factor analysis, Correlation analysis and Covarience structure analysis. Data analyses were derived through the use of Statistical Package for the Social Sciences(SPSS 10.0). The results of this study are as follows: First, regarding the population statistical variables, there were significant differences in physical education teacher satisfaction in physical fitness levels and physical education class preferences, and also significant differences in class satisfaction in gender, learning ability, physical fitness level, and physical education class preference. Second, regarding the physical education teacher satisfaction differences, there were significant differences in teacher satisfaction in accordance with instruction type. Third, regarding the physical education class satisfaction differences, there were significant differences in class satisfaction in accordance with instruction type. Forth, In this study, the adaptable values of causal relation patter were valid and teacher satisfaction and class satisfaction were significantly affected by teachers’ instruction type.
Key Words
instruction style, satisfaction
스포츠교육학 : 교육정보화 시대를 위한 체육교수-학습 방안 교육정보화 시대를 위한 체육교수-학습 방안
42(6) 341-349, 2003
스포츠교육학 : 교육정보화 시대를 위한 체육교수-학습 방안 교육정보화 시대를 위한 체육교수-학습 방안
The recent development of information technology has rapidly increased. As technology advances, so does the quality of education accessible in the field. It will continue to play a major role in physical education during the next century. These changes affects both physical educators and student opportunities to expand and change their roles, yet present challenges to the traditional teaching and learning model.
Information technology can assist the physical educators to enhance quality of teaching, and increased student’s mastery learning, greater motivation and enjoyment as well. Application include distance learning, retrieval of information across network, independently guided instructional experiences.
The purpose of this article is how information technology can be used in physical education. Use of each of the following are discussed: characteristic of information technology, internet and the World Wide Web (WWW), distance learning and virtual reality. Application of information technology will likely continue to be an important issues as physical education moves into the new century. As the new century approaches, the future of information technology in physical education is bright.
Key Words
information technology, internet, WWW
An Analysis on the Effectiveness of Affective Domain of TGfU 스포츠교육학 : 이해중심 게임모형의 정의적 영역 효과 분석
조남용ChoNam-Yong , 남기엽NamGi-Yeop
42(6) 351-358, 2003
An Analysis on the Effectiveness of Affective Domain of TGfU 스포츠교육학 : 이해중심 게임모형의 정의적 영역 효과 분석
조남용ChoNam-Yong , 남기엽NamGi-Yeop
The purpose of this study was to examine the effectiveness of affective domain of TGfU. 62 students participated in this study, they were divided into 2 groups, technical and TGfU. The questionnaires used for comparing 2 groups are attitude scale for game, interest scale for learning, and participatory attitude scale for Physical Education. The findings revealed through this study are, first, TGfU group had significantly higher score than the technical group in game attitude and learning interest. Second, there is no significant difference in the participatory attitude but had a little mean difference. Conclusively speaking TGfU is more effective way in developing student affective domain.
Key Words
nstrucional model, teaching games for understanding, TGfU, affective domain, teacher effectiveness, moltor skill
Development and Validation of Multimedia Test Program for Evaluating Cognitive Domain in 8th Grade Physical Education 스포츠교육학 : 영상매체를 이용한 중학교 2학년 체육교과 인지영역의 평가도구 개발과 타당화
최진환ChoiJin-Hwan , 이한주LeeHan-J
42(6) 359-365, 2003
Development and Validation of Multimedia Test Program for Evaluating Cognitive Domain in 8th Grade Physical Education 스포츠교육학 : 영상매체를 이용한 중학교 2학년 체육교과 인지영역의 평가도구 개발과 타당화
최진환ChoiJin-Hwan , 이한주LeeHan-J
Although there are many techniques for assessing psychomotor domain of learning such as Game Performance Assessment Instrument (Oslin, Mitchell, & Griffin, 1998) and Fitnessgram (Cooper Institute, 1999) assessment techniques for cognitive domain are very limited. Thus, the purposes of this study were (a) to develop an alternative assessment for evaluating students’ learning in cognitive domain of PE and (b) to validate the assessment. For the purpose one, we developed a multimedia test program for 8th grade PE using audio, video, graphic, and text to evaluate the cognitive knowledge such as rules, regulations, and traditions. The test was developed using the authoring program of Adobe Premiere 6.5 for Windows, was guided by the designing principles recommended by Joo & Choi (1999), and was recorded on a CD-ROM. The preliminary test contained live video clips of 10 questions. Three PE teacher educators and ten middle school PE teachers reviewed the test program and provided constructive feedback. The test program was then revised based on their evaluations. For the purpose two, we examined the validity and reliability of the test. Participants were eighth graders (N=419) and PE teachers (N=51) in middle schools. Content validity was assured by 51 middle school PE teachers who judged the test as a valid measure of student learning in eighth-grade PE. The reliability of the test was determined by the test-retest method. The correlation coefficient was high and significant (r=.70, p<.01). However, Cronbach alpha for internal consistency was low (α=.49). Recommendations for developing a high quality multimedia test program in PE were suggested.
Key Words
multimedia test program
Cooperating Teachers' Perceptions and Experiences on Student Teaching in Physical Education 스포츠교육학 : 협력교사의 체육교육실습에 대한 인식과 경험
42(6) 367-376, 2003
Cooperating Teachers' Perceptions and Experiences on Student Teaching in Physical Education 스포츠교육학 : 협력교사의 체육교육실습에 대한 인식과 경험
The purpose of this study was to understand cooperating teachers’ perceptions and experiences on student teaching in physical education.
Qualitative research methods with in-depth interview, observation, and collection of documents were employed to describe and analyze data.
The result of study shows that even though the teachers were aware of the importance of the student teaching, they were practically indifferent in the special preparation and the efforts for systematic lesson. All cooperative teachers were teaching their student teacher based on their own experiences.
The teachers were under serious stress due to their psychological obsession for furnishing appropriate and critical feedback, the absence of proper guideline for teaching and overwork.
Key Words
cooperating teacher, student teaching in P.E
Research of the motives and the satisfactions of the participants of Squash. 사회체육 : 스쿼시 운동 참가자들의 참여동기와 만족도에 관한 연구
강유원KangYu-Won , 진병권ChinByoung-Gwon
42(6) 379-389, 2003
Research of the motives and the satisfactions of the participants of Squash. 사회체육 : 스쿼시 운동 참가자들의 참여동기와 만족도에 관한 연구
강유원KangYu-Won , 진병권ChinByoung-Gwon
The primary objective of this research is to closely examine the relationship of the players’ participating motives and satisfactions according to the sport’ s popularity. For this research a survey has been carried out on 275 people, participating in the sport, men and women who are over 20 years of age, in the north part of Seoul. to find out the relationship of the participating motives and the satisfaction, the average and the standard deviation was calculated and through independent group t-test and One way ANOVA, the following conclusion has been made.
First, the participating motives showed an interesting difference between low factors, social intercourse, self improvement and familyish type with the age difference, and the occupation varied significantly in the statistice between familyish type and leisure. Aslo, the monthly income showed interesting differences in health intention, social ntercourse, familyish type, leisure excluding self inprovement. The education level and the area of residence did not show any differences.
Secondly, the degree of satisfaction showed significant differences in age, education level, and occupation. There were significant differences between age and a low factor, psychological satisfaction, and there were differences in education level and education satisfaction. Also, occupation showed differences with psychological satisfaction. The monthly income and the area of residence did not show any differences.
In conclusion, there is a need to setup a business strategy to fulfill the players’ requirements. In order to that, we need to know exactly what the participating motives are, setup an operating system and program that will satisfy each and every participant, and continue to invest and develop the facilities so that everyone can manage and develop their health physically, mentally, and socially.
Key Words
squash, motive, satisfaction
The Effect of Organizational Climate on Job Stress among Sport Organization Members 사회체육 : 스포츠조직체의 조직풍토가 직무스트레스에 미치는 영향
42(6) 391-398, 2003
The Effect of Organizational Climate on Job Stress among Sport Organization Members 사회체육 : 스포츠조직체의 조직풍토가 직무스트레스에 미치는 영향
The purpose of this study was to analyze the influence of organizational effectiveness on job stress among sport organization members, exploring the cause, and effect of these factors.
The target population of this study consisted of employees of sport organization members. The 600 subjects were selected by the stratified cluster random sampling method from the members in sport organization. Questionnaires of 528 administered in this study. The statistical methods utilized in this study for collected data were reliability analysis, correlation analysis, multiple regression analysis and path analysis.
The implications of the study are organizational climate among sport organization members affects job stress. The higher the organizational climate, the lower job stress.
Key Words
organizational climate, job stress
The Relationship between Children's Etiquette and Self-Control during Taekwondo Practice 사회체육 : 아동들의 태권도 수련활동참가에 따른 예절의식과 자기통제능력의 관계
이용국LeeYong-Kuk , 김종욱KimJong-Wock , 이제행LeeJe-Haeng
42(6) 399-406, 2003
The Relationship between Children's Etiquette and Self-Control during Taekwondo Practice 사회체육 : 아동들의 태권도 수련활동참가에 따른 예절의식과 자기통제능력의 관계
이용국LeeYong-Kuk , 김종욱KimJong-Wock , 이제행LeeJe-Haeng
The purpose of this study was to identify the relationship between children’s etiquette and self-control during Taekwondo practice. In order to achieve this purpose, 450 subjects were selected among participants of Taekwondo activity programs in the Seoul and Kyunggi area by using the stratified cluster random sampling method. Out of the 450 questionnaires responded to, only 423 were used for data analyses because 27 were responded to incompletely or incorrectly. The instrument for data collection was a questionnaire in which etiquette and self-control consisted of items identified by Jang(1993) and Lee(2002), respectively. The statistical methods utilized in the study for analyzing the collected data were reliability analysis, descriptive statistics, one-way ANOVA, standard multiple regression analysis and path analysis, and the following results were obtained: First, both etiquette and self-control differ statistically and significantly according to both socio- demographic variables and Taekwondo practice. Second, etiquette statistically and significantly influences self-control. Third, there are causal relationships among elementary students’ Taekwondo practice, etiquette and self-control.
Key Words
taekwondo, martial art, etiquette, self-control
A study on the community activities and morale of participants in Sport for All 사회체육 : 생활체육 참여자의 지역사회 활동과 사기에 관한 연구
42(6) 407-416, 2003
A study on the community activities and morale of participants in Sport for All 사회체육 : 생활체육 참여자의 지역사회 활동과 사기에 관한 연구
The activities of sport for all are a social system that carries out comprehensive social-cultural functions, which have developed through organization and formalization by infiltrating deeply through all over the society, and they are appearing as an important task to solve problems both individually and socially.
Therefore, the purpose of this study is to identify the relationship between community activities and community morale of participants in sport for all, and through this, to understand the task of a desirable community formation. The subjects of this study were adult participators in sport for all living in Cheonan city as of 2002, and among a total of 750 copies sampled using cluster random sampling, 690 copies were finally used for data analysis. Schematized questionnaires based on self-administration method were employed for the research instrument. The statistic techniques used to analyze the collected data were frequence analysis, correlation analysis, multiple regression analysis.
Results are as follows.
First, the community activities of participants in sport for all have effect on community consciousness.
Second, the community activities of participants in sport for all influence willingness for commitment in community.
Third, the community activities of participants in sport for all have influence on cognition of community integration.
In short, the community activities of participants in sport for all have an effect on community formation. This implies that consciousness of reversion toward the community becomes uplifted through participations in sports activities, festivals as well as events, and service activities, and that it is a way of social communication that links community residents, through which it can have influence on the formation of a desirable community.
Key Words
affection or attachment, willingness for commitment, cognition of integration
A Study of Sport Policy in Canada: An Examination of the “fitness and amateur sport Act” 사회체육 : 캐나다 스포츠정책에 관한 연구: 휘트니스 및 아마추어 스포츠를 장려하기 위한 법률을 중심으로
42(6) 417-424, 2003
A Study of Sport Policy in Canada: An Examination of the “fitness and amateur sport Act” 사회체육 : 캐나다 스포츠정책에 관한 연구: 휘트니스 및 아마추어 스포츠를 장려하기 위한 법률을 중심으로
The purpose of this research is to examine, through a review of various sources of sport literature, debates in the house of Commons, and government publications, the political, social, and sports background, as well as the contents of the "Fitness and Amateur Sport Act"(C-131), introduced in Canada in 1961. I discuss three factors, which explain why C-131 was enacted.
1) A clear need existed to promote competitive sports and maintain a certain level of national sport in the international arena. 2) Canadian public sports facilities, which would answer to the public’s demand for venues in which they can participate in leisure sports, were greatly lacking. 3) The government of Canada wished to encourage and assist Canadians in increasing their level of physical activity in sport. At the same time, the federal government wished to administer and control the provincial governments and territories with a conditional grant towards achieving this objective. In conclusion, it is evident that the reason why C-131 was enacted in 1961 was to overcome certain political, social, and, sports problems in Canada.
Key Words
Bill C-131, Bill C-54
A Study of the Promotional Problem of Physical Education and Sports in Local Autonomy of South Korea 사회체육 : 한국의 지방자치제도에 따른 체육,스포츠 진흥과제에 관한 연구
주성택JuSoung-Tack , 손환ShonHwan
42(6) 425-434, 2003
A Study of the Promotional Problem of Physical Education and Sports in Local Autonomy of South Korea 사회체육 : 한국의 지방자치제도에 따른 체육,스포츠 진흥과제에 관한 연구
주성택JuSoung-Tack , 손환ShonHwan
The purpose of this research is to study the promotional problem of physical education and sports in local autonomy of South Korea. The research is based on an examination of the financial and legal aspects of physical education and sports in South Korea and on the current policies of local governments. The data sources include sports literature, German sports law, government publications, newspapers, and interviews.
Through examination of these sources, the following was concluded: 1) Local governments were not apt to focus on sports administration in terms of life-long education. 2) Because economic independence in local governments was weak, the issue of physical education and sports was dismissed in favour of other issues, such as the construction of bridges, roads, and cultural centres. 3) A Soccer Lottery in German, managed by each province or corporation, was enacted in province’s law. In this way, each province was able to independently finance and promote physical education and sports.
Furthermore, several additional measures for promoting physical education and sports are proposed. First, the central government and provinces should prepare a master plan for promoting physical education and sports in terms of life-long education. Secondly, the present management of "SportsToTo" and the sports lottery in the Seoul Olympic Sports Promotion Foundation should be transferred to each local province, and in so doing, local governments would be able to independently create their own policies for physical education and sports. Finally, the establishment of a sectional meeting where athletic, governmental, and scholastic organizations could be integrated to exchange ideas would be highly desirable and is proposed here as a viable way of promoting physical education and sports.
Key Words
promotional problem of physical education and sport
The Relationships among Perceived Audience of Cycle Racing Player and Satisfaction of the Cycle Racing Performance 사회체육 : 경륜선수의 지각된 관중요인과 경기수행만족의 관계
최덕묵ChoiDuk-Muk , 이은석LeeEun-Surk
42(6) 435-443, 2003
The Relationships among Perceived Audience of Cycle Racing Player and Satisfaction of the Cycle Racing Performance 사회체육 : 경륜선수의 지각된 관중요인과 경기수행만족의 관계
최덕묵ChoiDuk-Muk , 이은석LeeEun-Surk
The purpose of this study was to examine the relationships among cycle racing player class for perceived audience t and satisfaction of the cycle racing performance.
For accomplishing this purpose of the study, the cycle players who registered in the Seoul Olympic Sports Promotion Foundation were set to the population, then the sample of 220 people is extracted by random sampling. And the final number of persons used in this study is 209.
The tool used in this study wsais questionnaires. The result of the reliability analysis was following: the criterion of spectators factor were α=.667~.739, the criterion of satisfaction on the cycle racing performance were α=.743: these mean the tool were reliable. We used Windows multiple SPSS/PC+ 6.1, and used the analysis of covariance which were post-hoc tested by multi classification analysis, and standard multiple regression analysis in statistical analysis method.
Form the analysis of the study, the following conclusions were obtained:
First, the perceived audience along with the cycle racing player class has a difference. There is a difference along with the rude spectators factor excluding positive spectators factor in spectators factor.
Second, the satisfaction on the cycle racing performance has a difference along with the cycle racing player class. The lower cycle racing player class the higher satisfaction on the cycle racing performance.
Third, the perceived audience of the cycle racing player has an effect on the satisfaction on the cycle racing performance. The lower rude spectators factor among the spectators factor which is low-ranking variation of social facilitation the higher satisfaction on the cycle racing performance.
Key Words
perceived audience, cycle players
The relationship among the physical leisure participation, social problem solving ability and depression in women 여가,레크리에이션 : 여성의 신체적 여가활동 참가가 사회적 문제해결력 및 우울감에 미치는 영향
김형석KimHyung-Suk , 신인숙ShinIn-Sook
42(6) 447-455, 2003
The relationship among the physical leisure participation, social problem solving ability and depression in women 여가,레크리에이션 : 여성의 신체적 여가활동 참가가 사회적 문제해결력 및 우울감에 미치는 영향
김형석KimHyung-Suk , 신인숙ShinIn-Sook
The purpose of this study was to empirically examine the relationship among the physical leisure participation, social problem solving ability and depression in women. The subjects of this study were selected using the stratified random cluster sampling method. The population of this study is limited to female adults over twenties who are regular participants(one day of weeks) in physical leisure in Seoul. They were 134 participants and 105 non-participants. The survey questionnaires were used to collect the data. The questionnaires for measuring social problem solving ability were developed by D’Zurilla and Nezu(1966), and translated in Korean languate by Kim, Young Mi(1992). The questionnaires for measuring depression were developed by Kim, Chang-Yoon, Goh, Jinkyung and Ro, Eunoe(2002). The statistical methods utilized in this study for analyzing the collected data were analysis of covariance and standard multiple regression analysis.
From the analysis of data, this study reached the following conclusions:
First, physical leisure participation in women are partially influence on social problem solving ability.
Second, physical leisure participation in women are partially influence on depression.
Third, social problem solving ability in physical leisure partially influence on depression.
Key Words
social problem solving ability, depression, physical leisure participation
The Influence of Participants` Level in Scuba Diving on flow experience and Health-related Lifestyle 여가,레크리에이션 : 스쿠바 다이빙 참가자의 수준이 몰입경험 및 건강관리유형에 미치는 영향
이은석YiEun-Surk , 남승구NamSung-Cu
42(6) 457-467, 2003
The Influence of Participants` Level in Scuba Diving on flow experience and Health-related Lifestyle 여가,레크리에이션 : 스쿠바 다이빙 참가자의 수준이 몰입경험 및 건강관리유형에 미치는 영향
이은석YiEun-Surk , 남승구NamSung-Cu
The purpose of this study is to examine the influence of participants’ level in Scuba Diving on flow experience and health-related lifestyle. For accomplishing these purposes, the 300 subjects were selected using the multi-stage stratified cluster random sampling method from the Scuba participants.
The data for the study were collected through the survey questionnaires. For the data of participation level in scuba diving, it was classified using Confe´de´ration Mondiale des Activite´s Subaquatiques(CMAS) criterial. For the data of flow experience, Expansion of Sport Commitment Model(ESCM) developed by Scanlan(1993) and standardized in Korean language by Jung(1997) were used. And also for the data of health promoting lifestyle, Health Promoting Lifestyle Profile developed by Pender, Sechrist and Walken(1987) and standardized in Korean language by Seo(1995) was used.
The statistical methods utilized for testing the hypotheses were Cronbach’s α, descriptive statistics, One-way ANOVA, ANCOVA, MCA, standard multiple regression analysis with the residual after controlling the socio-demographic characteristics and also path-analysis through standard multiple regression.
From the analyses of the data, the following conclusions of the study were obtained:
First, participation level in scuba diving does not influence on the flow experience.
Second, the health promoting lifestyle is partly influenced by flow experience in scuba diving. That is, the health-related lifestyle becomes high when flow experience of scuba diving participants is high.
Third, the health-related lifestyle is partly influenced by participation level in scuba diving.
Finally, there are causal relationships among the participation level in scuba diving, flow experience and the health-related lifestyle.
Key Words
scuba diving, participation level, flow xperience, health promoting lifestyle
The Impact of perceived and expected Service Quality by demographic characters for Users of Internet Leisure Sports Site 여가,레크리에이션 : 인터넷 레저스포츠 사이트 이용자의 특성이 서비스 품질 지각에 미치는 영향
임헌LimHun , 이철원LeeChul-Won , 장경로ChangKyung-Ro
42(6) 469-477, 2003
The Impact of perceived and expected Service Quality by demographic characters for Users of Internet Leisure Sports Site 여가,레크리에이션 : 인터넷 레저스포츠 사이트 이용자의 특성이 서비스 품질 지각에 미치는 영향
임헌LimHun , 이철원LeeChul-Won , 장경로ChangKyung-Ro
The purpose of this study was to present interaction between demographic characters of Internet Leisure Sports Site User and perceived and expected Service Quality. For this study, The subject of this study selected 450 citizens in Seoul and Gyeonggi-Do who used internet leisure sports site with convenience sampling method to completed self-administration questionnaires. 407questionnaires were used for data analysis after dropping incomplete 43 questionnaires. This study excluded questionaries which has missing value and unfaithful data. Statistical methods used in this study were frequency analysis, independent sample t-test, one-way ANOVA, and chi-square independent test. Based on the above research methods and procedures, this study produced the following results. Firstly, the difference, in use pattern among different demographic characters was suggested. There were significant differences in using time and purpose of use by a gender. And, there were significant differences in using time, purpose and frequency of use by a income. Secondly, it was to find the relationship in expected service quality by difference demographic groups. It was to exam the difference in the purpose of using internet sports newspaper. There showed significant difference in assurance - gender, reliability -age and tangibles, empathy-income. Lastly, it was to find the relationship in perceived service quality by difference demographic groups. There was a difference in reliability and empathy with contents by age. There was a difference with reliability and assurance at gender. There was a difference with tangibles assurance as job and income.
Key Words
service quality, Internet Leisure sports site
Participation in Recreation for the Mentally Retarded Youths and Their Developments of Social Adaptive Behavior 여가,레크리에이션 : 정신지체 청소년의 레크리에이션 참여와 사회적응행동의 발달
김동건KimDon-Kun , 조민행ChoMin-Haeng , 이문숙LeeMoon-Sook
42(6) 479-487, 2003
Participation in Recreation for the Mentally Retarded Youths and Their Developments of Social Adaptive Behavior 여가,레크리에이션 : 정신지체 청소년의 레크리에이션 참여와 사회적응행동의 발달
김동건KimDon-Kun , 조민행ChoMin-Haeng , 이문숙LeeMoon-Sook
The purpose of this study was to find out the effects of participation in recreation program on social adaptive behavior of the mentally retarded youths. The subjects were 44 mentally retarded students of a junior and senior high school for special education, and they were randomly divided into participant group(n=22) and a non-participant group(n=22).
Participant group took part in recreational activity for 50 minutes in a day for 12 weeks. The data were collected via administered questionnaire developed by Korea Institute for Special Education.
The results indicated that mentally retarded students who regularly participated in recreation had a significantly higher level of the development of self-support ability, social-emotional behavior, speech ability, cognitive ability, and gross motor skill than non-participants. The findings implied that recreation activity had significant effects on the development of social adaptive behavior of the mentally retarded.
Key Words
recreation, social adaptive behavior, youth
Investigation of the "serious leisure" and "casual leisure" 여가,레크리에이션 : 진지한 여가(serious leisure)'와 '일상적 여가(casual leisure)'에 대한 고찰
42(6) 489-496, 2003
Investigation of the "serious leisure" and "casual leisure" 여가,레크리에이션 : 진지한 여가(serious leisure)'와 '일상적 여가(casual leisure)'에 대한 고찰
The purpose of this study was to understand the ‘serious leisure’ that has been introduced in leisure and recreation. Serious leisure have many merits, but lack of research and agreement of the term in Korea. As a matter of fact, the term of serious leisure was called not only professional type leisure or participant type leisure but also not so much as risky sports, risk-taking sports, or extreme sports, which was negative feelings and images. Obviously, serious leisure was a counterpart of casual leisure. The meaning of ‘serious’ imply earnestness, sincerity, importance, and carefulness, then if we were not for ‘serious’ in participant leisure, we can’t obtain self-actualization, self-enrichment, self-expression, regeneration or renewal of self, feeling of accomplishment, social interaction and belongingness. The results of this study were as follow: First, serious leisure was just ‘serious leisure’ not professional or participant type leisure in terminology. Second, we establish measurement instrument of serious leisure that harmonized with korea situation. Third, we make theoretical framework of serious leisure to understand and predict serious leisure behavior.
The Influence of the Sponsorship for the Korean Volleyball Super League on Enterprise Image, Fan Satisfaction and Loyalty 스포츠산업,경영 : 한국 실업배구의 스폰서십이 기업이미지, 팬 만족 및 기업 애호도에 미치는 영향
The Influence of the Sponsorship for the Korean Volleyball Super League on Enterprise Image, Fan Satisfaction and Loyalty 스포츠산업,경영 : 한국 실업배구의 스폰서십이 기업이미지, 팬 만족 및 기업 애호도에 미치는 영향
The purpose of this study was to examine the influence of the sponsorship for the Korean Volleyball Super League on Fan Satisfaction, Enterprise Image and Loyalty. The subjects of this study were 328 spectators of the 2002-2003 Korean Volleyball Super-League in the gym. To analyze the data collected for this study, SPSS 10.0 program was used for Regression analysis, and Path analysis. The results from this study were as follows: First, there were significant correlation between the degree of sponsorship media acceptance and company image. This result suggests that the degree of sponsorship media acceptance influences positively on the company image. Second, there were significant correlations between the degree of sponsorship media acceptance and fan satisfaction. This result indicates that the degree of sponsorship media acceptance influences positively on the fan satisfaction. Third, there were significant correlations between the degree of sponsorship media acceptance and company loyalty. This result indicates that the degree of sponsorship media acceptance influences positively on the company loyalty. Fourth, there were significant correlations between the company image and fan satisfaction and company loyalty. This result indicates that the company image positively influences on the company loyalty. Fifth, the degree of sponsorship media acceptance directly influenced on the company image and the company loyalty. The degree of sponsorship media acceptance indirectly influences on the company loyalty through company image.
Key Words
sponsorship, fan satisfaction, enterprise image and loyalty
The Relationship between Perceived Promotion of Professional Basketball Title Sponsorship and Brand Equity Factors 스포츠산업,경영 : 프로농구 타이틀스폰서십의 지각된 촉진과 브랜드자산 구성요소의 관계
42(6) 507-516, 2003
The Relationship between Perceived Promotion of Professional Basketball Title Sponsorship and Brand Equity Factors 스포츠산업,경영 : 프로농구 타이틀스폰서십의 지각된 촉진과 브랜드자산 구성요소의 관계
The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between perceived promotion of title sponsorship for Professional Basketball League and factors of brand equity such as brand awareness, brand image, and brand preference. To accomplish this purpose, 431 spectators were selected from three sports stadiums(Jamsil, Bucheon and Anyang), where professional basketball games were being played all together by four teams such as Samsung Thunders, SK Knights, SK Bigs and SBS Stars. But only 423 copies were used. Data were analyzed by multiple regression analysis, using the SPSSWIN Ver 10.0. The results are as follows:
First, among the perceived promotion, three elements such as perceived sales promotion, perceived board advertising and perceived information about title sponsorship have an affect on the brand awareness. Second, only the perceived sales promotion has an effect on the image related to product out of the brand image. Third, among the variables of perceived promotion, only the perceived sales promotion has an effect on the esthetic image out of the brand images. Fourth, only the perceived sales promotion has an effect on the brand preference. These results were discussed.
Key Words
title sponsorship, perceived promotion, brand equity, brand awareness, brand image
The Effect of World Cup Appeal Advertising on Brand Personality and Loyalty of an Official Sponsor of the 2002 Korea-Japan World Cup and an Ambusher 스포츠산업,경영 : 2002한·일월드컵 공식스폰서와 매복자의 월드컵 소구광고가 브랜드개성과 브랜드충성도에 미치는 영향
김용만KimYoung-Man , 서희정SeoHee-Jung
42(6) 517-525, 2003
The Effect of World Cup Appeal Advertising on Brand Personality and Loyalty of an Official Sponsor of the 2002 Korea-Japan World Cup and an Ambusher 스포츠산업,경영 : 2002한·일월드컵 공식스폰서와 매복자의 월드컵 소구광고가 브랜드개성과 브랜드충성도에 미치는 영향
김용만KimYoung-Man , 서희정SeoHee-Jung
The purpose of this study was to examine the effectiveness of marketing between an official sponsor for the 2002 FIFA World Cup Korea/Japan and an ambusher. The subjects for the study were 261 students who were taking general classes at D University. The sampling was made through the purposive sampling method. And the questionnaire was filled out based on the self-administration method. The subjects were asked to fill out the questionnaire after viewing the actual TV commercials. The questionnaire items included level of World Cup involvement, attitude towards the advertising, brand personality, and brand loyalty. The questionnaire were selected after their reliability and validity were proven to be used for the survey, based on the Cronbach’s Alpha test and the factor analysis. Out of 261, 239 data were selected for analysis and went through the following analysis methods according to the purpose of the study: Frequency analysis, independent t-test, paired t-test, simple regression analysis, and multiple regression analysis. The results are as follows:
First, regarding the level of involvement in the World Cup, the official sponsor KT showed a significant difference in recommendation intension in the category of brand loyalty: The ambusher, SK Telecom showed a statistically significant difference in ‘sincerity’ in the categories of attitude towards the advertising and brand personality, and in recommendation intension in the category of brand loyalty. Second, the official sponsor KT and the ambusher SK Telecom had a statistically significant difference in attitude towards the advertising, brand personality, and brand loyalty. Third, as for the official sponsor KT, attitude towards the advertising significantly influenced brand personality and brand loyalty: In the category of brand KT, attitude towards the advertising significantly influenced brand personality and brand loyalty: In the category of brand personality, ‘excitement’ and ‘sincerity’ had a statistically significant influence on brand loyalty. In the case of the ambusher SK Telecom, attitude towards the advertising had a significant influence on brand personality and brand loyalty, while a significant difference was noticed between brand personality and purchase intention in the category of brand loyalty, a significant difference was found for recommendation intension only regarding ‘excitement’ and ‘sincerity’ in brand personality.
Key Words
official sponsor, ambusher, brand equity, advertising, brand loyalty
A Study on the evaluation of value through Fan Support Index of Professional Basketball Clubs in Korea 스포츠산업,경영 : 프로농구단 팬서포트지수를 통한 상대적 가치평가
42(6) 527-535, 2003
A Study on the evaluation of value through Fan Support Index of Professional Basketball Clubs in Korea 스포츠산업,경영 : 프로농구단 팬서포트지수를 통한 상대적 가치평가
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the value of professional basketball clubs in Korea with fan support index which it calculated by drawing fans to its arena. This study would be placed for the future research of the brand equity for the baseball clubs or other sport clubs in Korea.
This study was modified to the Fan Support Index which was developed by Thomas (1999) and Kim (2001). It sought the answer by developing a formula to rate the fan support by Korea Professional Basketball League franchises. This study encompassed 10 teams that were governed by the Korea Basketball League(KBL) since 2001. Each franchise`s level of fan support was rated on a 100-point scale. A high score is evidence of a team that does well at the box office despite such possible impediments as a losing record, a small market or a small arena. A low score is a sigh of a franchise that underachieves at the gate.
In the result of this study, Changwon LG was the highest fan support score as 97.5 and followed by Junju KCC Basketball club of 80.5. It meant that Seoul and Busan baseball fans did not lead the booming of Korean professional basketball market.
In this study, it was found that there were significant relations between home game winning percent and other factors related to arena capacity, home game attendance, winning game attendance. In conclusion, future studies should continue to examine the fan support with other professional sport leagues such as K-League(soccer).
Key Words
fan support index, relative evaluation
The Effect of the Perception of Service Quality by College Sports Center Consumers on the College Image 스포츠산업,경영 : 대학 스포츠센터 서비스품질 지각이 대학이미지에 미치는 영향
김학신KimHak-Shin , 신승호ShinSeung-Ho
42(6) 537-546, 2003
The Effect of the Perception of Service Quality by College Sports Center Consumers on the College Image 스포츠산업,경영 : 대학 스포츠센터 서비스품질 지각이 대학이미지에 미치는 영향
김학신KimHak-Shin , 신승호ShinSeung-Ho
This study attempted to investigate the perception of service quality by college sports center consumers. As a result, the following findings were obtained:
The result of testing the detailed difference between the level of expectation and the level of satisfaction showed that there was a very significant difference in the convenience of use hours, careful consideration of the members, and the like in terms of ‘guarantee.’
And it was found that there was a significant difference in benefits to local residents, use of convenient facilities, speedy resolution of discomfort and the like.
And it was found that there was a very significant difference in easy accessibility, health management, information provision and the like in terms of ‘readiness’
Second, it was found that there was a significant correlation between ‘guarantee’ and the ‘reliability’, ‘sacrifice’ ‘sympathy’ types of the types of service quality.
The ‘distinction’ of service quality showed a significant correlation with types of "reliability" and "sympathy" of the school image.
"Readiness" of service quality showed a significant correlation with "reliability", "sacrifice" and "sympathy" of the school image.
Key Words
college image, service quality
Analysis of the Effects of Brand Familiarity on Official Sponsor Advertisements and Ambush Marketing Advertisement 스포츠산업,경영 : 상표 친숙도 수준에 따른 공식스폰서와 매복마케팅 광고효과 분석
Analysis of the Effects of Brand Familiarity on Official Sponsor Advertisements and Ambush Marketing Advertisement 스포츠산업,경영 : 상표 친숙도 수준에 따른 공식스폰서와 매복마케팅 광고효과 분석
The present study attempts to compare and analyze the effects of brand familiarity in official sponsor advertisements as opposed to ambush marketing advertisements and their effects on, attitude towards the advertisement, attitude towards the product, trust acquisition, and intention to buy. The subjects for this study were both male and female college students attending a 4-year university in Seoul, Korea. Surveys were conducted for 15 days from 5th of June to 20th of June in 2003. The convenience sampling method was applied and a total of 600 surveys were distributed. In order to examine the demographics of the subjects, a frequency analysis was done, in order to compare and contrast the effectiveness of different advertisement types of the companies the Independent sample T-test was applied, and in order to analyze the effects of product. familiarity on advertisement effectiveness the Independent sample T-test was again applied. Sport involvement and advertisement effect by the style of advertisement the Two-way ANOVA. The risk level alpha value was set at α=.05 for all tests. The results of this study showed that official sponsor advertisements had a higher mean than ambush marketing advertisements, and in the analysis of product familiarity and its influence on the effectiveness of advertisement, corporations with high familiarity had a higher mean than corporations with low familiarity. Results from all categories showed statistically significant difference. For analysing sports involvement and advertisement effect by the style of advertisement, sports involvement with main effect were significant in all case of high involvement group had higher mean than low involvement group.
Key Words
brand familiarity, official sponsor, ambush marketing
A Study on Administrative Responsibility for Physical Education and Sport Accidents in Instructors 스포츠산업,경영 : 스포츠사고와 지도자의 행정책임
42(6) 557-565, 2003
A Study on Administrative Responsibility for Physical Education and Sport Accidents in Instructors 스포츠산업,경영 : 스포츠사고와 지도자의 행정책임
The purpose of this study was to provide the basic information regarding administrative responsibility relating to the accidents during sports or physical education. The subject which must be understood by the participants, instructors of sports or physical education, other members of the sports field, and others who engage in the occupations relating to sports in order to protect themselves or others, by giving the details of such subjects.
As the method of study, we examined the following by examining documents and analysing the domestic and foreign legal precedents involving the aforesaid accidents: by which standard the court determines the negligence of the sports or physical education instructor: and whether the court, in determining the instructors negligence, merely looked for the instructors negligence or considered the total instruction procedure including the circumstances surrounding the disputed accidents.
Key Words
administrative responsibility
A Study on the Subsequent Application of Seoul Worldcup Stadium 스포츠산업,경영 : 서울 월드컵 경기장 사후활용에 관한 연구
오현환OhHyun-Hwan , 변경원ByunKyoung-Won
42(6) 567-576, 2003
A Study on the Subsequent Application of Seoul Worldcup Stadium 스포츠산업,경영 : 서울 월드컵 경기장 사후활용에 관한 연구
오현환OhHyun-Hwan , 변경원ByunKyoung-Won
The purpose of this study was to analyze relationship physical environment factor caused by satisfaction, repurchasing and to provide useful information in Subsequent application method of Seoul Worldcup Stadium.
For this study 350 spectators of 2003 PUMA All-Star professional soccer and 300 customers of Seoul Worldcup Stadium Shopping-mall randomly selected. Sampling method the use of the convenience random sampling method and 522(spectators-308, customer-224) questionnaire were accepted for this research.
This study were questionnaire developed by combing and modifying those that were physical environment Kim Yoon-soo(1999), Kim Ri-Aa(2003), Lee Seung-Chul(2002), Hong Hyae-Sun(1999).
Analyses of data were performed by using SPSS/PC Version 10.0 and by employing Frequency analyses, Factor analyses, Simple Regression, Multiple Regression. The results are as follows:
First, Among the factors of physical environment in the cleanness factor, aesthetics factor, space convenient factor, accessibility factor showed influence on spectator’s satisfaction and among the factors of physical environment in the accessibility factor showed influence on customer’s satisfaction.
Second, Among the factors of physical environment in the aesthetics factor, space convenient factor, accessibility factor showed influence on spectator’s repurchasing and among the factors of physical environment in the accessibility factor, accessibility factor showed influence on customer’s repurchasing.
Third, spectator and customer’s satisfaction of Seoul Worldcup Stadium(stadium facilities, shopping-mall) influence on repurchasing.
Key Words
seoul worldcup stadium, physical environment, satisfaction, repatronage
The Effects of Professional Sport Team's Quality Management on Job Satisfaction, Customer Orientation, and Business Performance 스포츠산업,경영 : 프로구단의 품질경영이 직무만족, 고객지향성, 경영성과에 미치는 영향
42(6) 577-589, 2003
The Effects of Professional Sport Team's Quality Management on Job Satisfaction, Customer Orientation, and Business Performance 스포츠산업,경영 : 프로구단의 품질경영이 직무만족, 고객지향성, 경영성과에 미치는 영향
The purpose of this study was to provide with fundamental data in developing management strategies. For this purpose, as the levels of total quality management, the effects of quality management on job satisfaction, customer orientation, and business performance were evaluated among employees of the representative three domestic professional leagues, professional baseball, professional soccer, and professional basketball. In the study the 196 respondents in 25 teams were practically sampled among the subject population of employees who work in the three professional sport league. For the data analysis SPSS 10.0 and AMOS 4.0 statistical package were utilized.
To assess the reliability and validity of quality management subordinate factors Cronbach’s α and confirmatory factor analysis were processed. To examine employees’ demographic characters and job relating characters frequency analysis was processed. The hypothesis tests were conducted with structural equation modeling analysis. In these progresses all the statistical significant levels were set at α=.05.
The finding in this study can be summarized as follows:
First, like other service companies it marked that the level of professional sport team quality management had an effect on employees’ job satisfaction, customer orientation, and management performance positively. Second, the higher employees’ job satisfaction displayed the greater customer orientation. Third, the employees’ job satisfaction and customer orientation did not have an effect on the management performances.
Key Words
quality management, job satisfaction, customer orientation, business performance
A Study of Strategic planning for Sport Venture Company In Korea 스포츠산업,경영 : 국내 스포츠 벤처기업의 활성화 전략
이경숙LeeKyung-Suk , 조용찬ChoYong-Chan
42(6) 591-598, 2003
A Study of Strategic planning for Sport Venture Company In Korea 스포츠산업,경영 : 국내 스포츠 벤처기업의 활성화 전략
이경숙LeeKyung-Suk , 조용찬ChoYong-Chan
The purpose of this study is that we’d like to let people recognize that sport has a great parts of industrial market and it has great influence on the other industry by analysing the definition, the sphere and the specifics of sport industry. So we make them think that it is necessary that the government should support this sport industry.
Since 21 century, modern society has been developing from industrial society. Most people had taken serious view a labor and capital in industrial society. On the other hand, it is very important to have a knowledge and information in the knowledge base society. Also knowledge base society have been changing into information society which consumption form was diversified and upgraded with elevation of income level and period flowing taken a serious view leisure.
These change had influence on sports and it contribute to development of sport that was exposed by sports participation, increase of sports facilities and growth of sport marketing. Sport industry has been doing great development all over the world. Although the sport industry has been developed like this, the situation of sport industry in Korea has not been changed a lot. Because most people didn’t recognize sport had a great parts of industrial market and there was no support about sport industry.
In the research of this study, we’ve made the definition and then investigated special quality, present condition of sport and government support policy about the venture company. It also investigated the definition, special quality, present condition about sport industry through venture net of Small and Medium Business Adminstration and ‘2002 Korean physical education white paper’ of Korea Sport Science Institute.
Government should continue to have a strategic planning for supporting the sport company in order to strengthen venture company. If sport industry made venture company for sport they would need this kind of government policy.
The sport company should recognize that it is necessary to establish venture sport company. In order to bring about support in sport industry, the sport company should try to make the venture company. The venture company must be encourage them to create a great special items.
Key Words
Sport Venture Company
An Analysis of Factors Related to Consumer Behavior of N-Generation 스포츠산업,경영 : 효과적인 스포츠 마케팅 전략 수립을 위한 N세대 구매 행태 분석
42(6) 595-605, 2003
An Analysis of Factors Related to Consumer Behavior of N-Generation 스포츠산업,경영 : 효과적인 스포츠 마케팅 전략 수립을 위한 N세대 구매 행태 분석
This study seek to examine the various factors related to consumer behavior of the N generation and to determine which life styles were more prevalent in relation to differing attendance of sports activities. The population for this study consisted of 809 male and female high school students who were chosen as a stratified cluster random sampling method. The questionnaire consisted of two sections. Section Ⅰ consisted of questions relevant to collect demographic information data and life style. Section Ⅱ contained 17 questions concerning three categories that were utilized to determine the consumer behavior of N generation. A five point Likert Scale was used for scoring the survey instrument, and the Cronbach’s α values were .7556 for purchasing attitude, .7120 for purchasing desires for sports goods, and .8804 for degree of involvement in sports. This study used SPSS Program and implement descriptive statistics, T-test, Crosstabs, Correlation, and one-way ANOVA. The result of this study was following as:
1. There was no significant difference among sex, preference of sports, club activity, and parents’ sports activity in the level of purchasing attitude.
2. There was significant difference among sex, club activity, preference of sports in the level of purchasing desires for sports goods, and in the degree of involvement in sports.
3. There was significant difference among activity sports, times of watching sports, and TV program in the frequency of sports activity.
4. There was no significant difference among preference of watching sports, information channel of sports, Internet shopping, computer using time, standard of purchasing, importance of advertising, and information channel of purchasing in the frequency of sports activity.
5. There was significant difference among purchasing attitude, purchasing desires for sports goods, and in the degree of involvement in sports.
Key Words
net-generation, involvement, purchasing attitude
Dimensions of Sport Coaches' Competencies: A Delphi Technique 스포츠산업,경영 : 델파이 기법을 통한 스포츠 지도자의 자격요건 분석과 범위
전용배JeonYongBae , 김영금KimYoungKeum
42(6) 611-617, 2003
Dimensions of Sport Coaches' Competencies: A Delphi Technique 스포츠산업,경영 : 델파이 기법을 통한 스포츠 지도자의 자격요건 분석과 범위
전용배JeonYongBae , 김영금KimYoungKeum
Key Words
delphi technique, sports coach
The Analysis on New Dance in the viewpoint of Song-Bum`s Life History 무용학 : 송범 생애사 관점에서 바라본 신무용 분석
The purpose of this study was to examine era trait of Song-Bum’s new dance which was classified as artistic activity, artistic trait, artistic trend, the masterpiece through sectioning every ear from his life history standpoint. Also, this study reconstructed Song-Bum’s life and tried to start life history study by using qualitative method. This study was made up of two section. Firstly, depth interview which was the most important research method in this study was composed of semi-structured depth interview and unstructured depth interview. Secondly, collection of human work and content analysis was used. Data was analyzed through procedures which organized, classified, categorized data and found pattern and synthesized data to understanded deeply and generally about new dance in his life history standpoint. The first step was transcription and second step was coding, categorization and the last step was constant comparison. The results can be summarized as follow using above method. Firstly, Song-Bum’s beginning period(1945-1960) started to create, perform work into dance of new part. Secondly, Song-Bum’s activity period(1961-1970) emphasized dance’s formality beauty by developing into occupational dancing organization. Thirdly, Song-Bum’s restoration period(1971-1980) developed new dance into korea material, techniques. Fourths, Song-Bum’s best period(1981-1990) typed new dance into korea dance style in center of national dance organization and completed formation of synthetic art. This study can be played a important role on establishing theory system of new dance and dada finding, data preservation because new dance have actively effect on present creation dance. Namely, this study will be played a important role on understanding not only development history, phase of korea dance but understanding his artistic activity, artistic trait, artistic world.
Key Words
song-bum, new dance, life history, depth interview
An Analysis on Determinant Variables Affecting Confidence of Dance Performance 무용학 : 무용수의 공연 자신감 형성 요인에 대한 분석
김영미KimYoung-Mee , 송인숙SongIn_Sook , 김영옥KimYoung-Ok
42(6) 633-641, 2003
An Analysis on Determinant Variables Affecting Confidence of Dance Performance 무용학 : 무용수의 공연 자신감 형성 요인에 대한 분석
김영미KimYoung-Mee , 송인숙SongIn_Sook , 김영옥KimYoung-Ok
The purpose of the study was to find out the various factors affecting confidence of dance performance. Using a stratified cluster random sampling method, 583 dancers selected from performance place in Seoul, Incheon, Kyeongki, Daejon, and Chungnam from March to July, 2003.
Data were collected by using the questionnaire whose validity and reliability were tested. Statistical methods such as t-test, one-way ANOVA, multiple regression analysis were also used to test the hypotheses. Each hypothesis was tested at the signigicant level of .05.
On the basis of the results, the conclusions were drawn as followings:
1. Sex and age of dancers have positive influences on confidence of dance performance: male dancers have higher performance confidence than female dancers, and the older the age of the dancers and the higher confidence of dance performance.
2. Dancers majoring in Korean dance have the highest confidence of dance performance. Frequence and duration of dance practices and careers of dance performances have positive influences on confidence of dance performance.
3. Perceived dance ability and the level of state anxiety have positive influences on confidence of dance performance.
4. Dancers with dance injury experience have higher confidence of dance performance than non-experienced dancers.
Conclusively, confidence of dance performance is affected by various variables such as sex, age, frequence and duration of dance practice, careers of dance performance, perceived dance ability, the level of state anxiety, and dance injury experiences.
The Influence of Dance Injury on Dance Stage Anxiety of Ballet Majoring Students 무용학 : 발레전공자들의 무용상해가 무대불안에 미치는 영향
김정수KimJeong-Soo , 허재령HeoJae-Lyong
42(6) 643-650, 2003
The Influence of Dance Injury on Dance Stage Anxiety of Ballet Majoring Students 무용학 : 발레전공자들의 무용상해가 무대불안에 미치는 영향
김정수KimJeong-Soo , 허재령HeoJae-Lyong
This study is on the impact of dancing injuries to the students majoring in Ballet to the stage anxiety. Supposing that the injuries have an effect on the anxiety, how much degree of the injuries could influence the stage anxiety, setting up the injuries as independent factor, the stage anxiety as a dependent one and personality, recognized dancing ability and frequency of participation as supporting ones.
I conducted a questionnaire survey of 338 students majoring in ballet from Freshmen to Seniors in arbitrarily chosen co-ed universities which located in Seoul, Gyeonggido, Chungcheongnamdo. The final available ones from 338 were 286 except for 52 absentees. It used purposive sampling.
With the recurrent analysis using the survey data I came to conclusion as follows.
1. There are no signigicant differences between the dance injuries and sex, age, perceived dance ability.
2. The duration of dance participation has a positive influence on the extent of the dance injuries.
3. The stage anxiety is affected by the frequency of the injuries, but not by whether or not you were injured during dancing.
4. There are no signigicant differences between the stage anxiety and sex, age, perceived dance ability.
5. There are no signigicant differences between the stage anxiety and dance participation.
Key Words
dance injury, stage anxiety
Study on the Characteristic of Martha Graham`s works 무용학 : Martha Graham의 작품 특성에 관한 연구 -1930,1940년대 작품을 중심으로-
42(6) 651-659, 2003
Study on the Characteristic of Martha Graham`s works 무용학 : Martha Graham의 작품 특성에 관한 연구 -1930,1940년대 작품을 중심으로-
Everything in Martha Graham’s works is in perfect harmony. Movements consist of contraction and release based on breathing and focus on fall and crawl without any relaxed ones even in dynamic scenes. Music is composed for dance and the stage is made of a blank space and symbolic configuration in order for Martha Graham’s dances to show at their best advantages. Stage properties and costumes also contain abstract meanings which enlarge dance works and subjects of her dances symbolically express psychological description of the characters which originate from America, religion and myths. 1930’s and 1940’s were the beest days of Martha Graham’s dance and artistic characteristic in her dance works in those days can be summarized like follows:
Firstly, her works in 1930’s mostly came from her experiences and tried to be independent from a spiritual state of perfect selflessness, musical rhythm and inspiration. Also she started to be interested in American territory and culture and thus her dance works focused on those subjects.
Secondly, her works in 1940’s mostly described women’s happiness of their homes, their strong will, their tragedy and their joy of love. Recollecting her unstable days, she sublimated those subjects into her dance works.
In addition to dance techniques based on various movements, she respect human’s feeling and psychology in her dance works and creates her dance works in the type of dance theatre reflecting those characteristic. She tried to lift modern dance in the level of other areas of art.
Key Words
martha graham, primitive mysteries, frontier, appalachian spring, night journey
The Process of a Dance Teacher's Occupational Socialization 무용학 : 무용교사의 직업사회화 과정
박중길ParkJung-Gil , 김계숙KimKye-Sook
42(6) 661-670, 2003
The Process of a Dance Teacher's Occupational Socialization 무용학 : 무용교사의 직업사회화 과정
박중길ParkJung-Gil , 김계숙KimKye-Sook
The purpose of this study was to describe the process of a dance teacher’s occupational socialization in detail. Life history approach with in-depth interview was employed to describe and analyze data. The methods of domain analysis and taxonomic analysis, proposed by Spradley on 1980, were used to analyze the data obtained from interviews. major findings can be summarized according to the research questions. It was found that the process of a dance teacher’s occupational socialization include perception toward dance education, belief in dance education and conflict, recognition to teacher’s role, and teaching as a duty. These process played interacting roles outside and greatly influenced the occupational socialization. To a dance teacher, the process of occupational socialization is developed through complex, dynamic and complicated relationship. Recommendations for dance teachers and researchers of dance teacher’s socialization were made to improve the quality of teacher education program and preservice programs.
Key Words
life history, dance teacher, occupational socialization
A Study about the Dances of Koryo dynasty 무용학 : 고려시대(高麗時代)의 춤 연구(硏究)
42(6) 671-680, 2003
A Study about the Dances of Koryo dynasty 무용학 : 고려시대(高麗時代)의 춤 연구(硏究)
This purpose of this study to analyze the dance forms performed during the 475-year-old Koryo dynasty from 918 to 1392. The dances of the Koryo dynasty are divided into two forms: the Buddhist ritual dances of ppal-kwan-hoe and yun-dung-hoe and the court ritual dances of dang-ak-jung-jae and hang-ak-jung-jae.
First, this study explicates the contents of various dances performed in the form of the Buddhist ritual and the process of their transformations into popular folk dance forms among common. Second, the types, the contents, and procedures of dang-ak-jung-jae and hang-ak-jung-jae in the form of court ritual dances are examined in detail.
From this study, it can be concluded that pal-kwan-hoe and yun-dung-hoe as the Koryo ritual dances were developed into both the court dances performed as the Buddhist regular events which kings and subjects in the courts had enjoyed and the folk dances (nori) as popular customs which common people had enjoyed. And this study also examines the court ritual dances of dang-ak-jung-jae and hang-ak-jung-jae as the Koryo jung-jaes, respectively hon-son-do, su-yon-jang, o-yang-sun, po-gurak and yun-hwa-dae which belong to dang-ak-jung-jae, and the three kinds of mu-go, dong-dong, mu-ae which are handed down as knhang-ak-jung-jae.
Key Words
dances of koryo dynasty, buddhist ritual dance, court ritual dance
Comparison of the Sociality according to the Participation Type of Elementary Student in Dancing 무용학 : 무용 수업 참여형태에 따른 아동들의 사회성 비교 연구
오세복OhSe-Bok , 김인형KimIn-Hyung
42(6) 681-689, 2003
Comparison of the Sociality according to the Participation Type of Elementary Student in Dancing 무용학 : 무용 수업 참여형태에 따른 아동들의 사회성 비교 연구
오세복OhSe-Bok , 김인형KimIn-Hyung
The research compares the usual children with children who regularly and systematically take classes of private institutes or join in after-school activities in order to analyze how the dancing education to elementary student influences on the sociality. It finally aims at providing basic data for the activation of systematic education of dancing in elementary schools by uplifting the social and educational value of dancing activity in childhood.
To achieve the purpose of the research, the questionnaire was conducted with the subject of total 209 children in primary schools located in B metropolitan city, including 110 children who only take the classes of school and 99 children who join in dancing activities in private institutes or after-school activities by means of the purposeful convenience sampling. The hypothesis t-test analysis were used based on the collected materials and the research came to the conclusion as below.
According to the participation in dancing activity, the children who regularly join in after-school activity and the private institute have higher trust, personal autonomy, leadership, industry, stability, and sociability spirit than the one who take lesson only in school.
Key Words
sociality, dance, elementary
The changes of the percent body fat on ST-segment depression/HR slope and Duke treadmill exercise score(DTS) during treadmill exercise in the men. 운동생리학 : 트레드밀 운동시 체지방에 따른 ST/HR slope 및 Duke 트레드밀 운동 점수(DTS)
42(6) 693-701, 2003
The changes of the percent body fat on ST-segment depression/HR slope and Duke treadmill exercise score(DTS) during treadmill exercise in the men. 운동생리학 : 트레드밀 운동시 체지방에 따른 ST/HR slope 및 Duke 트레드밀 운동 점수(DTS)
The purpose of this study was to research the effects of percent body fat on aerobic exercise capacity, ST-segment depression/HR slope and Duke treadmill exercise score(DTS) during treadmill exercise in the men. Subjects were 58 men who were 40 years old, and they were classified into four groups such as control(body fat, 10~15%) group, overweight(body fat, 15~20%) group, obesity(body fat, 20~25%) group, and severe obesity(body fat, >25%) groups. HR, SBP, MVO₂ and ST segment were measured during exercise with Bruce protocol. During the graded treadmill exercise testing, ECG was recorded and analysed ST segment position at V₂ and V_5 leads and then adjusted by ST/HR slope. The treadmill exercise score was calculated as previously described: (exercise time) - (5×maximum ST segment deviation) - (4×treadmill angina). Statistical analysis was performed using analysis of oneway ANOVA. As a results, aerobic exercise capacity was significantly lower in severe obesity group than three groups. ST segment and ST/HR slope were depressed in proportion to the exercise intensity. During exercise ST/HR slope of obesity and severe obesity groups were lower than control group. Ischemic symptoms were apt to early diagnose in ST/HR slope than ST segment. Duke treadmill exercise score(DTS) was significantly lower in severe obesity group than three groups. Conclusionally, ST/HR slope was more useful method for evaluation ischemic symptom during treadmill exercise than ST segment depression. And that cardiovascular disease risk were increased in the obesity and severe obesity men.
Key Words
% body fat, ST segment, ST/HR slope, duke treadmill exercise score, DTS
Effects of Swimming and treadmill training on the change of Leptin, anti-oxidant enzymes and hormonal changes in rats 운동생리학 : 운동형태에 따른 Leptin 변화와 항산화 효소 및 호르몬 활성에 미치는 영향
김덕중KimDuck-Jung , 이장원LeeJu-Rip
42(6) 703-711, 2003
Effects of Swimming and treadmill training on the change of Leptin, anti-oxidant enzymes and hormonal changes in rats 운동생리학 : 운동형태에 따른 Leptin 변화와 항산화 효소 및 호르몬 활성에 미치는 영향
김덕중KimDuck-Jung , 이장원LeeJu-Rip
The purpose of this research is to investigate the effect of swimming and treadmill training on the change of leptin, anti-oxidant enzymes and hormonal changes in rats. For this study, SD rats were divides into three groups: control group (COG: n=15), swimming trained group (ST: n=15), and treadmill trained group (TTG: n=15). The animals were housed in a pathogen-free animal facility (22-24℃, 44-45% relative humidity, 08:00-20:00 lighting hours) at K university college of medicine. The trained rats under went a 9-wk endurance swimming training (5 days/wk) in water at 24-27℃ (STG) and treadmill training (5 days/wk) in DAEJONG treadmill for 30 min. The result through the statistical analysis of this data were summarized as follows: In the weight changes, there were significant differences among COG, STG and TTG (p<.05) after regular swimming and treadmill training. In the cholesterol changes, For the STG and TTG, there were significantly decreased after regular swimming and treadmill training than COG(p<.05). In the anti-oxidant enzyme changes, For the STG and TTG, there were significantly increased after regular swimming and treadmill training than COG, STG was the hightest. In the leptin changes, For the STG and TTG, there were significantly decreased after regular swimming and treadmill training than COG, TTG was the lowest. In the insulin changes, For the STG and TTG, there were significantly decreased after regular swimming and treadmill training than COG, STG was the highest. In the cortisol changes, For the STG and TTG, there were significantly decreased after regular swimming and treadmill training than COG, STG was the highest. Therefore we can conclude that regular swimming and treadmill training prevent obesity which is caused by reduced body weight, cholesterol, and leptin hormone.
The study on ratios of conventional and functional for isokinetic Hamstring : Quadriceps muscle strength in soccer player 운동생리학 : 축구선수의 슬관절 등속성 근력에 대한 전통적 굴신근 비율과 기능적 굴신근 비율에 관한 연구
42(6) 713-719, 2003
The study on ratios of conventional and functional for isokinetic Hamstring : Quadriceps muscle strength in soccer player 운동생리학 : 축구선수의 슬관절 등속성 근력에 대한 전통적 굴신근 비율과 기능적 굴신근 비율에 관한 연구
The purpose of this study was to investigate the ratios of conventional and functional for isokinetic Hamstring:Quadriceps muscle strength in soccer player. In soccer, the quadriceps and hamstring muscle groups are the primary movers of the sport. The quadriceps plays an important role in jumping and ball kicking, which hamstring controls the running activity and stabilizes the knee turns. conventionally, the hamstring:quadriceps strength ratio is calculated by dividing the maximal knee flexor moment by the maximal knee extensor moment measured at angular velocity. however, The agonist-antagonist strength relationship for knee extension and flexion may be better described by the more functional ratios of eccentric hamstring to concentric quadriceps, and concentric hamstring to eccentric quadriceps. We compared conventional and functional isokinetic hamstring:quadriceps strength ratios in soccer players. As this study, It was the higher ratio of eccentric contraction than concentric contraction in conventional hamstring:quadriceps strength ratio and the ratio of Hecc:Qcon was higher than the ratio of Hcon:Qecc. that is, Conventional ratio by concentric contraction was 55~62%, However, Conventional ratio by eccentric contraction was 60~70%. Also, Functional ratio of extension(Hecc:Qcon) was 75~130%, and increased with fast angular velocity. Functional ratio of flexion(Hcon:Qecc) was 30~54%, and decreased with fast angular velocity. In conclusion, It was significant difference between conventional H:Q ratio and functional H:Q ratio(P<.01). and the functional hamstring:quadriceps ratio for fast angular velocity was higher than 100%. This was indicating a significant capacity of the hamstring muscles to provide dynamic knee joint stability.
Characteristics of isokinetic knee joint muscular functions, aerobic power and anaerobic power according to performance level of alpine skiers 운동생리학 : 경기력 수준에 따른 알파인스키 선수들의 등속성 근기능 및 유·무산소성 능력 발달 특성
Characteristics of isokinetic knee joint muscular functions, aerobic power and anaerobic power according to performance level of alpine skiers 운동생리학 : 경기력 수준에 따른 알파인스키 선수들의 등속성 근기능 및 유·무산소성 능력 발달 특성
This study was to find out fitness characteristics of alpine skiers based on comparative analysis of knee joint muscular functions, aerobic power and anaerobic power. Original fitness according to performance level of the national representative top ranked alpine skiers and study to make use of the finding for the purpose of upgrading alpine skiers fitness training and evaluation. The surveyed of the test include top 10 rankers of the national representative team and its canididate group of 12~15 rankings. The groups were divided into two groups: junior national team and the collegian team.
Isokinetic knee joint muscular functions employed Cybex 770(Lumex Inc. USA) to measure peak torque, endurance ratio, muscular development balance ratio and average power. For measurement of aerobic power, and automatic breath gas analyzer QMC(Quinton Co. USA), Q4500 was employed to measure VO₂ max, VEmax, HRmax, R.Rmax, At, and R. For measurement of anaerobic power, Wingate anaerobic power analyzer employed. Helmas(K.O.R) was employed to inspect a basic fitness condition. According to results, the following conclusions were obtained.
1. peak torque of knee joint muscular function and average power were high in the groups that attained high level of performance(p<.05).
2. Average power of knee joint was large in the group who attained a higher level of performance but a significant gap could not be found.
3. Flexor endurance ratio of knee joint was large in the group that attained a high level of performance. Left flexor indicated a significant gap(p
Key Words
peak torque of knee joint , Flexor endurance ratio of knee joint
Muscle fiber composition and its relationship to anaerobic performance in the middle aged women 운동생리학 : 근생검에 의한 중년 여성의 대퇴외측광근 근섬유 조성비와 무산소성 운동능력에 대한 연구
42(6) 733-739, 2003
Muscle fiber composition and its relationship to anaerobic performance in the middle aged women 운동생리학 : 근생검에 의한 중년 여성의 대퇴외측광근 근섬유 조성비와 무산소성 운동능력에 대한 연구
This study was attempted to evaluate the relationship between anaerobic power and muscle fiber type composition using Wingate test in middle aged women. Fifteen physically active middle-aged women (34-44 yrs) who participating in aerobic class 3 to 5 days per a week volunteered as subject for the present study. Subjects with more than 50% of type Ⅱ fibers(n=7) were assigned to the fast twitch dominating group (FT group), whereas subjects with less than 50% of type Ⅱ fibers (n=8) assigned to the slow twitch dominating group (ST group). Wingate anaerobic power test was performed to evaluate the anaerobic capacity.
Anaerobic power in middle aged women were correlated with the type IIa fiber composition. Correlations between the composition of type IIa and MPO (r=0.53), PPO(r=0.67), PPO/㎏(r=0.54) PPO/lbm(r=0.56) revealed a statistically significance (p<.05) and age was negatively correlated with MPO(r=-0.52, p<.05) and PPO (r=-0.56, p<.05).
The equations from stepwise multi linear regression are followings.
Peak power(watts) = 4.68(type IIa%) + 4.40(lean body mass) - 5.96
Mean power(watts) = 3.82(type IIa%) + 156.91
It can be assumed that the occurrence of type IIa muscle fiber may a significant factor to evaluate anaerobic power in middle-aged women.
Key Words
muscle, wingate test, anaerobic power, women
The effects of different training type on the cross-sectional area of the paravertebral muscles in premenopausal women 운동생리학 : 장기간의 운동 트레이닝 유형에 따른 폐경 전 중년여성의 체간부위 근육군의 발달 형태
The effects of different training type on the cross-sectional area of the paravertebral muscles in premenopausal women 운동생리학 : 장기간의 운동 트레이닝 유형에 따른 폐경 전 중년여성의 체간부위 근육군의 발달 형태
The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of different type of exercise training on the cross-sectional area(CSA) of the paravertebral muscles (multifidus, iliocrystalis lumborum, psoas muscle) in premenopausal women.
To achieve this goal 38 middle aged women (mean 45.26±5.28yrs) were participated in this study and divided into non-exercise group (n=15), swimming group (n=8) and combined exercise group (n=15) according to their regular exercise type. The CSA of muscles were derived from standard computerized tomography (CT) iamges at the level of lumbar 4-5.
The CSA of the iliocrystalis lumborum muscle and the total paravertebral muscles were more larger in combined group than those of non-exercise and swimming group (p<0.05). The CSA of the right side muscles of vertebral column in the total paravertebral muscles were bigger than that of left side muscles (p<0.05).
Key Words
exercise, women, psoas muscle, multifidus muscle, CSA, cross-sectional area
Factors Related to Falling in Elderly 운동생리학 : 노인의 넘어짐에 영향을 미치는 요인
남상남NAMSang-nam , 최규환ChoiKyun-Hwan
42(6) 749-757, 2003
Factors Related to Falling in Elderly 운동생리학 : 노인의 넘어짐에 영향을 미치는 요인
남상남NAMSang-nam , 최규환ChoiKyun-Hwan
The purpose of this study is to find out the factors associated with falling in elderly. Twenty subjects were evaluated in this study, aged 65 to 91 years. The subjects were elderly (over 65 years) who live in Ansan City. The fall-related factors(mental status, position sense, range of motion, muscle strength, balance, exercise, medication) were compared between faller group and non-faller group. Collected data were analysed by the t-test, X²test. The results of this study were as follow: 1. There were no significant difference in cognitive function compared between faller and non-faller group. 2. There were significant difference in position sense, muscle strength, range of motion(knee flexion, ankle dorsiflexion) compared between faller and non-faller group. The results of non-faller group presented in the factors were better than those of faller group. 3. There were significant difference in balance score(Berg Balance Scale) compared between faller and non-faller group. The results of non-faller group presented in the factor had more score than those of faller group. 4. There were significant difference in health-related factor(exercise) compared between faller and non-faller group. The result of non-faller group presented in the factor was better than faller group. These results suggested that exercise for improving the range of motion, muscle strength of ankle and balance may be strategies to prevent fall in elderly. Further studies are needs to identify which specific factors are related to fall in the elderly population.
Key Words
eld erly, fall, balance
The effect of high intensity resistance exercise on steroid hormone in adult female 운동생리학 : 고강도 저항운동이 성인여성의 혈중 스테로이드 호르몬에 미치는 영향
This study is for comparative analysis of the effect on change of steroid hormone in woman blood by resistance exercise in single high-strength, and to find out hormone which is assimilated by muscle resistance exercise instead of testosterone in woman and to indicate anabolism index based on exercise or training. After being measured 1-RM in woman`s early twenties among subjects, being conducted bench press and squat exercise by two kinds of exercise strength, 80% and 100% of 1-RM. We measured the changes of DHEA-S, testosterone, cortisol, insulin, epinephrine, and norepinephrine in blood by collecting blood before exercise, and shortly after, 30 minutes after and 60 minutes after exercise, respectively, and analyzed the change of hormone according to lapse after exercise, compared with while the subjects were being rested. The results obtained through above experiment are following. The frequency of working out per event were conducted by 3sets as maximum repeated frequency, the time for rest in inter-sets and inter-events was for 1 minute. In case of DHEA-S, there is significant difference in the matter of inter exercise intense, time, and interaction according to intense and time. The testosterone was not shown significant difference. In case of cortisol, the significant difference was shown according to time. The significant difference of Insulin was shown in exercise intense. In case of epinephrine, there is significant difference according to exercise intense and time, and the significant difference of norepinephrine was shown according to time.
Key Words
high intensity resistance exercise, DHEA-S, testosterone, cortisol, insulin
Analysis of Antioxidative Enzyme of ischemia and reflow Kidney bt Diabetes 운동생리학 : 당뇨병에 의한 허혈 및 재관류 신장의 항산화효소 분석
서영환SeoYoung-Hwan , 이병래LeeBeung-Rae
42(6) 767-772, 2003
Analysis of Antioxidative Enzyme of ischemia and reflow Kidney bt Diabetes 운동생리학 : 당뇨병에 의한 허혈 및 재관류 신장의 항산화효소 분석
서영환SeoYoung-Hwan , 이병래LeeBeung-Rae
To investigate the influence of diabetes mellitus(DM) on ischemia/reflow injury, the contents of thiobarbituric acid reactive substance(TBARS: marker of peroxidative cell injury), and the activity of γ-glutamyltransferase(GGTase: marker of brush border membrane injury) were measured in ischemia/reflowed kidney of diabetic rats.
Rats were divided into the 3 groups: control(C), diabetes for 2 weeks(DM2) and diabetes for 4 weeks(DM4), and DM was induced by alloxan(80 ㎎/㎏ ip). Left kidney was subjeted to 30 min of ischemia and 15 min of blood reflow, and the right kidney was used as a control kidney. The activities of antiocidant enzymes and GGTase, and the contents of TBARS were determined in kidney homogenate.
Catalast activity in ischemia/reflowed kidney was decreased 20% (p<.0.05) in C, 34% (p<0.01) in DM2 and 23% (p<0.01) in DM4, while the change of SOD and GSHPx activities were not observed in kidney of diabetic rats compared with group C. TBARS contents, when ischemia/reflow, increased by 23% in Cm 19% (p<0.01) in DM2, 16% in DM4, while the activity of GGTase decresed by 40% in C, 54% in DM2, and 55% (p<0.01) in kidney of DM4.
The TBARS contents in ischemia/reflow kidney of diabetic group showed no change, while GGTase activity was decreased significantly when compared with control group. This study may suggested that in ischemia/reflow kidney, the peroxidative membrane lipid injury was not increased, but the brush border membrane injury was increased by DM.
Key Words
ischemia, diabetes, kidney, blood
The Effect of Aerobic Exercise on Blood Pressure, Heart Rate & Blood Lipid in Stroke Patient. 운동생리학 : 유산소 운동이 뇌졸중 환자의 혈압, 심박수 및 혈중지질에 미치는 영향
신군수SunGoon-Soo , 이창우LeeChang-Woo
42(6) 773-786, 2003
The Effect of Aerobic Exercise on Blood Pressure, Heart Rate & Blood Lipid in Stroke Patient. 운동생리학 : 유산소 운동이 뇌졸중 환자의 혈압, 심박수 및 혈중지질에 미치는 영향
신군수SunGoon-Soo , 이창우LeeChang-Woo
The purpose of this study was to analysis the effect of aerobic exercise for six weeks on blood pressure, heart rate and blood lipid in stroke patient. For this purpose, 12 stroke patients in D medical center was the subjects, taking a GXT(Graded Exercise Test, Naughton protocol) within 80% HRmax before beginning a aerobic exercise on 3 times per week for six weeks, finding a risk of cardiovascul system and torelance, checking a blood pressure, heart rate, RPP & density of blood lipid, starting a aerobic exercise program for six weeks.
Aerobic exercise program were composed for six weeks : 1week(50% HRmax), 2week(60% HRmax), 3week(70% HRmax), 4~6week(80% HRmax).
After finishing aerobic exercise program, we rechecked a GXT and density of blood lipid. And then we contrast to blood pressure, heart rate, RPP and density of HDL-C, LDL-C, TG, TC in pre, post exercise.
We find the following several meaning results from these procedures.
First, As systolic blood pressure was decreased by 14.16mmHg in comparsing pre·post exercise training, it was statistically significant. However, diasystolic blood pressure didn’t have a statistically significant change.
Second, As Hrest was increased by 2bpm in comparsing pre·post exercise training, it wasn’t statistically siginificant. However, HRmax was decreased by 19.5bpm in comparsing pre·postexercise training, it was statistcally significant.
Third, As RPP was decreased by 39.80 in comparsing pre·post exercise training, it ws statisfically significant.
Forth, As TC was increased by 8.25㎎/dl in comparsing pre·post exercise training, it wasn’t statisfically significant.
Fifth, As TG was increased by 8.25㎎/dl in comparsing pre·post exercise training, it wasn’t statisfically significant.
Sixth, As HDL-C was increased by 3.25㎎/dl in comparsing pre·post exercise training, it was statisfically significant.
Seventh, LDL-C was decreased by 5.75㎎/dl in comparsing pre·post exercise, it wasn’t statisfically significant.
Key Words
blood pressure, heart rate, blood lipid
The changes of the resting heart rate difference on myocardial oxygen uptake, ST segment and ECG interval in the middle-aged women 운동생리학 : 안정시 심박수 차이에 따른 운동부하 검사시 심근 산소소비량, ST segment 및 ECG interval의 변화
윤성YunSung , 김남익KimNam-Ik
42(6) 787-797, 2003
The changes of the resting heart rate difference on myocardial oxygen uptake, ST segment and ECG interval in the middle-aged women 운동생리학 : 안정시 심박수 차이에 따른 운동부하 검사시 심근 산소소비량, ST segment 및 ECG interval의 변화
윤성YunSung , 김남익KimNam-Ik
The purpose of this study was to changes of the myocardial oxygen uptake, ST segment and ECG interval on the resting heart rate difference in the middle-aged women. The subjects consisted 57 middle-aged women who was aged 30-50years checked by the resting heart rate(HR), blood pressure(BP), atherogenic index(AI), myocardial oxygen uptake(MVO₂), oxygen uptake(VO₂) ST segment and ECG interval. Subjects were divided into 3 groups such as control(HR 60-100bpm) group, bradycardia(HR < 60bpm) group, and tachycardia(HR >100bpm) group. Statistical analysis was performed using analysis of oneway ANOVA. Results of this study were as follows: Resting SBP was showed significantly lower in the bradycardia and tachycardia group than control group and AI was showed significantly higher in the bradycardia and tachycardia group than control group. Resting. MVO₂ was showed significantly difference in the third groups, and peak MVO₂ was showed significantly higher in the control and bradycardia group than tachycardia group. Resting and peak VO₂ was showed significantly lower in the bradycardia and tachycardia group than control group. In the ST segment, resting and peak ST level was showed significantly higher in the bradycardia and tachycardia group than control group. Resting ST slope was showed significantly higher in the tachycardia group than control group, and peak ST slope was showed significantly difference in the third groups. Resting ST interval was showed significantly higher in the control and tachycardia group than bradycardia group, and recovery ST interval was showed significanlty higher in the control group than bradycardia group. Resting and recovery QTc interval was showed significantly higher in the control and tachycardia group than bradycardia group. Conclusionally, bradycardia group was showed significantly difference in the ECG interval factor, tachycardia group was showed significantly difference in the MVO₂ and ST slope factor, and tachycardia and bradycardia group was showed significantly difference in the AI, VO₂ and ST level factors. Therefore, middle-aged bradycardia and tachycardia women must increase their aerobic activities and proper diet for improving their cardiovascular system factors.
Key Words
HR, bradycardia, tachycardia, MVO2, ST segment, ECG interval
Effect of Long-term Swimming Exercise of Proteins for BDNF and Immediate - Early Gene in Rat Brain 운동생리학 : 백서 뇌에서 장기간의 수영 운동이 BDNF 단백질과 Immediate-early gene 단백질의 발현에 미치는 영향
42(6) 799-807, 2003
Effect of Long-term Swimming Exercise of Proteins for BDNF and Immediate - Early Gene in Rat Brain 운동생리학 : 백서 뇌에서 장기간의 수영 운동이 BDNF 단백질과 Immediate-early gene 단백질의 발현에 미치는 영향
This study was investigated that long term swimming exercises(period:4 and 8 weeks, frequency: 1h/5day/week) could modulate the expression of c-Fos, c-Jun and BDNF, analysed correlation between immediate-early gene and neurotrophic factor by swimming exercises in young and adult Sprague-Dawley rat brain.
The results are followings:
1. The expressions of c-Fos protein following the swimming exercise for 4 weeks and 8 weeks were increased at 4 months elder rats and was more increased significantly in the post natal 4 weeks young rats.
2. The expressions of c-Jun protein following the swimming exercise for 4 weeks and 8 weeks were increased at the 4 months elder rat brain and was more increased significantly in the pst natal 4 weeks younger rat.
3. The expression of BDNF protein of the hippocampus was increased the all groups comparing to normal control group and the increased effects of swimming exercise was shown at the all 4 and 8 weeks exercise group.
The results showed that the expression of immediate early genes, c-Fos and c-Jun was increased during the swimming exercises and the synthesis of BDNF enhanced in young and adult rat brains. It is suggested that the swimming exercises is not helpful tools for the memory and consciousness, but also enhance the regeneration of nervous system.
Key Words
Comparative analysis of sweat constituents during aerobic exercise and sauna 운동생리학 : 유산소운동과 사우나시의 발한성분 비교분석
42(6) 809-815, 2003
Comparative analysis of sweat constituents during aerobic exercise and sauna 운동생리학 : 유산소운동과 사우나시의 발한성분 비교분석
The purpose of this study was to identify difference of sweat constituents between sex and sweat method during aerobic exercise and sauna. to accomplish this project a total of 16 middle aged men(n=8) and women(n=8) were participated in the study as subjects. The subjects were amateur tennis players living in S-ku in Seoul. Each subject had warm-up period including jogging and stretching and played games. During games, while sweating, they scratched their skins with bottles given before games. In sauna they used dry room to prevent error effects due to water particles around in the air in wet room. They collected sweat as much as 20㎖ each both in exercise and in sauna. The result were as follows: 1) Among electrolytes the concentration of K+ and SO₄2+ were significantly higher in men than in women. 2) There were no significant difference of the concentration of Na+, Mg2+, Ca+, and Cl- between men and women. 3) The concentration of 6 electrolytes (listed above) were significantly higher during aerobic exercise than during sauna.
Key Words
sweat, aerobic exercise, sauna, electrolyte
The Effects of Regular Aerobic Dance for Bone Mineral Density in Korean Middle-aged women 운동생리학 : 규칙적 에어로빅댄스 참여가 중년여성들의 골밀도, VO2max, 등속성 근력에 미치는 영향
The purpose of this study is to find effect of regular aerobic dance for bone mineral density(BMD) in Korean Middle-aged women and to present basic data of an effective exercise program for the prevention and cure of osteoporosis. The subjects were 49 middle-aged women, who were divided into 22 in exercise group and 27 in non-exercise group, and then BMD of radius, lumbar and femur, body composition, VO₂max and isokinetic muscle strength were measured. The results from t-test of each variable, analysis of correlation are the followings. 1) It was showed that BMC of femur, weight and peak torque of right extension muscle and right flexion muscle in exercise group were significantly higher than those in non-exercise group. 2) BMD of lumbar had a significant correlation with peak torque of left and right extension muscle. BMD of femur had a significant correlation negative correlation with BMD of radius, lumbar and femur. Regular exercise has positive effect not only on increase of BMD but also on increase of the amount of lean body mass, aerobic capacity and improvement of muscle strength. The exercise, in process of which continuous weight bearing can be given, is more effective, and especially in order to maintain and improve BMD of radius, lumbar and femur, which are more likely to result in a fracture of bone caused by osteoporosis, it is more effective to carry out muscle strength which can make continuous muscle contraction for parts concerned. The result of this study, I suggest that a succeeding study on practical exercise program is need for the prevention and cure of osteoporosis through regular exercise based on the predictors of BMD.
Key Words
bone mineral density, BMD, peak torque, VO2max
Saliva-immunoglobulin A level and URTI occurrence in rowers 운동생리학 : 조정선수들의 saliva-immunoglobulin A 수준과 Upper Respiratory Tract Infection 발병
42(6) 825-835, 2003
Saliva-immunoglobulin A level and URTI occurrence in rowers 운동생리학 : 조정선수들의 saliva-immunoglobulin A 수준과 Upper Respiratory Tract Infection 발병
The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between s-IgA and URTI(upper respiratory tract infection) occurrence in male and female rowers. 26 rowers(male 12, female 14) and 15 controls(male 6, female 9) participated in this study. During two months period, saliva samples were collected every two weeks from subjects and URTI symptom self-assessment form was used daily to evaluate severity of URTI in individual subjects.
There was no difference in the resting s-IgA concentration between rowers and the control group during the study period. However, s-IgA secretion rate of rowers was significantly greater than the control group and it was thought to be beneficial effects of regular exercise.
Post exercise s=IgA concentration was higher(p<0.05) than pre exercise value in rowers and decreased saliva secretion was responsible for increased post exercise s-IgA concentration. There was no difference in pre and post exercise s-IgA secretion rate in rowers and suggested that the training was not stressful enough to cause negative influence on secretory immune function.
There was no difference in URTI occurrence between two groups(rowers 47% vs controls 46.1%) and duration of URTI were 4.2 days and 4.1 days, respectively. Average values of s-IgA concentration and s-IgA secretion were not different between "healthy" and "ill" subjects in both groups. These data indicated that average values of s-IgA concentration and s-IgA secretion rate during training were not sensitive predictors of URTI. To increase the predictive power of s-IgA on URTI occurrence, more frequent samplings and longer study period might be needed.
URTI occurrence among subjects were increased 3 times in november compare to october and changes of seasonal weather and training conditions (from outdoor to indoor) were thought to be main reasons of increased URTI occurrence.
Key Words
saliva-immunoglobulin A, s-IgA, 운동과 면역기능
The Effect of Circuit Weight Training of 12-Week on the Improvement of Cardiopulmonary 운동생리학 : 12주간 서키트 웨이트 트레이닝이 호흡순환기능에 미치는 영향
전엄봉JeonEom-Bong , 전종원JeonJong-Won
42(6) 837-848, 2003
The Effect of Circuit Weight Training of 12-Week on the Improvement of Cardiopulmonary 운동생리학 : 12주간 서키트 웨이트 트레이닝이 호흡순환기능에 미치는 영향
전엄봉JeonEom-Bong , 전종원JeonJong-Won
This study was intended to identify the physiological change of high-school male bowlers due to the administration of circuit weight training and investigate its effect on their competitive power. For this purpose, the 12-week experiment was carried out for the exercise group of 10 persons participating in the circuit weight training program and the control group of 10 persons participating in the general training program. As a result:
In terms of the factors of respiration and circulation functions, the exercise group showed the increase in FVC, FEV1 and MVV and a significant increase in BF, VE, VO2 and the duration of exercise at the time of maximum exercise. The control group did not show any significant difference in every factor.
In terms of the respiratory circulation function, FVC, VE and VO2 showed the high correlation with competitive power. Seeing from these findings, it is thought that the 12-week circuit weight training had a positive effect on the improvement of bowlers’ fitness and competitive power. It is thought that diverse studies will continue to be conducted on the improvement of competitive power in the future and it is necessary to conduct a study on a scientific and systematic training method for improvement of competitive power.
Key Words
circuit weight training
The Effect on Extension Muscle Power of Waist by Taping during Exercise 운동생리학 : 운동 중 테이핑(Taping)이 허리의 신전력에 미치는 영향
정철정JeongChul-Jung , 이용식LeeYoung-Sik
42(6) 849-855, 2003
The Effect on Extension Muscle Power of Waist by Taping during Exercise 운동생리학 : 운동 중 테이핑(Taping)이 허리의 신전력에 미치는 영향
정철정JeongChul-Jung , 이용식LeeYoung-Sik
The purpose of this study is to compare the extension muscle power of waist after taping after long time & intensity exercise. Selected sixteen male subject were divided with taping(n=8) & compare(n=8) groups. Two groups were taken part in the same intensity exercise, then taping group was apply tape at rectus abdominal, external oblique, erector spinae, quadratus lumborum, lumbar vertebrae, sacral vertebrae. Performance of extension muscle for waist were measured peak torque, total work, average power at 30 and 120 degree/sec on the Cybex 770. The statistical analysis of this study was taken One way ANOVA(p<.05). On basis of the results analyzed in this study, the results were as follow:
1. After taking part in exercise, the differences of peak torque for extension at 30degree/sec was statistically significant between taping and control groups(p<.05).
2. After taking part in exercise, the differences of total work for extension at 30degree/sec was statistically significant between taping and control groups(p<.05).
3. After taking part in exercise, the differences of average power for extension at 30degree/sec significant to increase & decrease ratio, therefore statistically no significant between taping and control groups.
4. After taking part in exercise, the differences of peak torque, total and, average power for extension at 120 degree/sec was significant to increase & decrease ratio, therefore statistically no significant between taping and control groups.
This results suggest that support taping of waist during exercise could be useful to maintain powerful strength in need during the last.
Key Words
Association of the ACE Gene Polymorphism with Hemodynamics under Exercise Stress Condition in Normotensive Healthy Men 운동생리학 : 안지오텐신 전환효소 유전자 다형성에 따른 최대운동 후의 혈역학적 변화
Association of the ACE Gene Polymorphism with Hemodynamics under Exercise Stress Condition in Normotensive Healthy Men 운동생리학 : 안지오텐신 전환효소 유전자 다형성에 따른 최대운동 후의 혈역학적 변화
The purpose of this study was to investigate the association of the ACE gene polymorphism with hemodynamics under exercise stress condition in normotensive healthy men.
Subjects consisted of 57 men(II; 25, ID; 23 & DD; 9) who were 20~28years old and healthy. Maximal exercise was performed on a treadmill using the Bruce protocol Subjectes Blood pressure was measured at rest, VO2peak, post 1min, 2min, 3min, 4min, 5min, and 6min respectively. Using polymerase chain reaction techniques, we determined the ACE genotypes (insertion/insertion, deletion/insertion, or deletion/deletion) of 57subjects.
The following results were obtained from this study.
1. No significant differences among genotype groups were observed with regard to diastolic blood pressure and systolic blood pressure at rest.
2. No significant differences among genotype groups were observed with regard to diastolic blood pressure and systolic blood pressure at maximal work load.
3. No significant differences among genotype groups were observed with regard to post-stress response of diastolic blood pressure and systolic blood pressure.
Key Words
ACE-gene polymorphism, II, insertion-insertion, ID, insertion-deletion, DD, deletion-deletion
The Effects of L-Carnitine Supplementation on Ability of Exercise Performance and Fatigue Substrate 운동영양학 : 카르니틴 투여가 보디빌더의 운동수행능력과 피로물질에 미치는 영향
42(6) 871-882, 2003
The Effects of L-Carnitine Supplementation on Ability of Exercise Performance and Fatigue Substrate 운동영양학 : 카르니틴 투여가 보디빌더의 운동수행능력과 피로물질에 미치는 영향
This study is to monitor and analyze the changes in exercise performance(Vo2max, exhaustive time), fatigue substrates(lactic acid, ammonia), through supplementing L-carnitine to bodybuilders during their exercise which is to utilize essential fatty acids as a substrate(source) for energy metabolism. Twenty bodybuilders who were trained at least over a year were selected for this research. They were divided into three groups: 7 were given a supplementary of placebo during their exercises period(N=7), 7 were given a supplementary of L-carnitine without any exercise(N=7) and 7 were given a supplementary of L-carnitine during their exercise period(N=7). In the two groups taking the supplement of L-carnitine, each individual was asked to take total 6g of L-carnitine, 3g in the morning and 3g before bed, for a total of 6g per day. The group taking the supplement of placebo, was asked to follow the same procedure with their medication. At the Korea Bodybuilding Federation’s weight training center, the bodybuilders were asked to follow the same procedure with their medication. At the Korea Bodybuilding Federation’s weight training center, the bodybuilders were asked to do both weight training and aerobic exercises in equal amounts for 6 days a week, in a ten week training period. The exercises had to be completed within one hour and the participants were given a one minute rest between each type of exercise. During the weight sessions, each bodybuilder did 5 sets with 15 repetitions per set. They were only allowed to lift 70% of their maximum lifting ability(1RM, one-repetition maximum).
1. The change of O2max and exhaustive time by group and period shows the significant difference between pre-treatment period and 10 weeks post-treatment period in the group which has been simultaneously treated with both L-carnitine supplementation and body building exercise(p<.05).
2. With close attention to the change of lactic acids level by group and period in examining the gradual increase of exercise intensity, all the groups show the visible increase right after the maximum exercise in 5 weeks after the treatment. And the change of ammonia level, vice versa, shows the exact opposite result(p<.05).
On the basis of this study, 10 weeks body building exercise and L-carnitine supplementation have a positive influence on increasing the ability of exercise performance, diminishing fatigue substrate.
Key Words
L-Carnitine, Vo2 max, exhaustive time, lactic acid, ammonia
The Effect of Natural Food Uptake for 6 Months on Physical Fitness and Lipids in Blood of Athletic Player 운동영양학 : 장기간의 생식섭취가 운동선수의 체력 및 혈중지질에 미치는 영향
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of natural food uptake for 6 months on physical fitness and lipids in blood of athletic player. Research subjects were 20 college students athletes who play soccer, basketball, volleyball, tennis, wu-shu. They were divided into two groups: a natural food uptake group and a control group. The changes of physical fitness and lipids in blood were according to group and pre-post test compared and analyzed. Results found from such a comparative analysis study were as follow:
1. It appeared that body weight and BMI in physique showed a little change, but it isn’t statistically a significant difference.
2. It appeared that percent body fat, fat mass, lean body mass, body water mass, 10m shuttle run, standing broad jump, push-up, sit-up, stead upper torso bend to forward, left & right grasping power in physical fitness showed a little change, but it isn’t statistically a significant difference. And effect of natural food uptake on 50m dash, back strength in physical fitness were not showed, but it is statistically a significant difference(p<.05, p<.001). It appeared that 1200m run, leg strength in physical fitness showed many change, it is statistically a significant difference(p<.001, p<.05).
3. It appeared that heart rate maximal isn’t statistically a significant difference. And VO₂max(L/min) & VO₂max(㎖/㎏/min) were statistically a significant difference(p<.001).
4. It appeared that triglyceride of lipids in blood isn’t statistically a significant difference, And HDL-cholesterol, LDL-cholesterol, total cholesterol of lipids in blood showed positive change, but it isn’t statistically a significant difference.
As a result of this study, it could be show positive effect of natural food uptake for 6 months on physical fitness and lipid in blood of athletic player. Therefore, it could be expect that natural food uptake for a long time is helpful to elevation of exercise performance ability and improvement of health of athletic player.
Key Words
natural food uptake, physical fitness, lipids in blood
Effect of Functional Food including Seaweeds Extracts Supplementation on Hematological Variables and Anti-oxidant System 운동영양학 : 해조류 추출물을 함유한 기능성 식품 섭취가 혈액학적 성분과 항산화체계에 미치는 영향
Effect of Functional Food including Seaweeds Extracts Supplementation on Hematological Variables and Anti-oxidant System 운동영양학 : 해조류 추출물을 함유한 기능성 식품 섭취가 혈액학적 성분과 항산화체계에 미치는 영향
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of functional food including seaweeds extracts supplementation on hematological variables and antioxidant systems. Forty young healthy cycle athletes were participated as a subjects and divided into two groups: experimental group (EXP, n=20), control group (CON, n=20). Functional food was served 3 times per day under coach`s supervision. Maximal exercise test was performed on the treadmill with a Bruce protocol until exhausted before and after 4weeks supplementation. During maximal exercise test, oxygen consumption and exercise endurance time was measured. Venous blood was drawn before and after supplementation for measuring of hematology and blood chemical elements and antioxidant, and MDA. Hematology parameters were RBC, WBC, Hb, Hct, TC, and HDL-C. Antioxidant system was evaluated by catalase and reduced-glutathione, and malondialdehyde (MDA) concentration. Statistical analysis was carried out by repeated two-way ANOVA and by t-test for simple comparison.
The results of this study were as follows: 1. Hb and Hct after supplementation were increased significantly in EXP. Decreasing rate of WBC in EXP was lower significantly than that in CON. 2. HDL-C after supplementation was increased significantly in EXP. #. Rest levels of reduced-glutathione and catalase after supplementation in EXP were increased significantly, maintained much highly versus CON during exercise and recovery. 4. Although rest levels of MDA were increased in both, EXP was lower than CON without significance. 5. VO₂max and exercise exhaustion time in EXP were increased significantly after supplementation.
This results suggested that functional food including seaweeds extracts should be recommended as anti-oxidant and supplementary food.
Rehydration and Electrolyte Balance System 운동영양학 : 수분 보충과 전해질 균형 시스템
42(6) 905-913, 2003
Rehydration and Electrolyte Balance System 운동영양학 : 수분 보충과 전해질 균형 시스템
Exercise or heat exposure induced excess water and electrolyte loss can threat not only exercise performance diminish but also life. Electrolyte imbalance makes plasma osmotic pressure decrease, fluid outflow increase to interstitial tissue, result in plasma volume reduction. To complement body fluid, it is important that electrolyte balance recovery and electrolyte drink intake. Electrolyte balance is controlled by RAA(Renin Angiotensin Aldosterone) system. Especially, due to increase reabsorption efficiency of sodium ion, aldosterone improves body electrolyte preservation. When body water lost, active RAA system increases water reabsorption, on the other hand, when salt supplied, active RAA system turn down. For maintaining the homeostasis of exercise and fluid balance, the effect of electrolyte drink has been studying widely, however the study about suppling electrolyte drink volume and density in accordance with different exercise type, duration and period has to be continued.
Key Words
rehydration, electrolyte
The Effect of Rapid Weight Loss and Iron Supplementation on Blood Components and Exercise capacity in Female Athletics 운동영양학 : 여자 운동선수들에 대한 단기감량과 철 투여가 혈액성분 및 운동능력에 미치는 영향
42(6) 915-923, 2003
The Effect of Rapid Weight Loss and Iron Supplementation on Blood Components and Exercise capacity in Female Athletics 운동영양학 : 여자 운동선수들에 대한 단기감량과 철 투여가 혈액성분 및 운동능력에 미치는 영향
The purpose of this study were to investigate the effect of rapid weight loss and iron supplementation on blood components and exercise capacity in female athletics. The 20 female athletics of university, who were participated in the subjects of this study, and were divided into 3 groups: weight loss and iron supplementation group(WL+IS group: n=6), weight loss group(WL group: n=8), nonweight loss group(NWL group: n=6).
Weight loss was achieved in 3 days by a diet restriction and forced to use wearing suit for sweating during exercise time. The results of this study run as follows: Weight of the Wl+IS and WL group were decreased each 4.3%, 3.9%. RBC, Hb, Hct levels improved significantly after weight loss in the WL group but was not significant in the WL+IS and NWL groups. Ferritin, transferrine levels improved after weight loss in the WL+IS and WL groups but transferrine was not significant in the WL+IS group. Endurance time and peak power highly decreased after weight loss in the WL, but Vo₂max and mean power not effected by rapid weight loss. And Vo₂max and peak power in the WL+IS group improved not significantly after weight loss and endurance time decreased not significantly decreased after weight loss in the WL+IS group. Therefore, the results suggested that iron supplementation during rapid weight loss in female athletics could have the positive effects of exercise capacity but blood components(RBC, Hb, Transferine) were not significantly affected by iron supplementation.
The Kinematic Analysis of Skating Technique Performed by Cross-Country Skiers in Uphill Slope 운동역학 : 크로스컨트리 스키의 오르막 구간에 대한 스케이팅 주법의 운동학적 분석
42(6) 927-937, 2003
The Kinematic Analysis of Skating Technique Performed by Cross-Country Skiers in Uphill Slope 운동역학 : 크로스컨트리 스키의 오르막 구간에 대한 스케이팅 주법의 운동학적 분석
The purpose of this study was to obtain effective the data for developing and improve the cross country skiing techniques by comparing and analyzing kinematic variables of skating motion between skilled and unskilled skiers in uphill slope. The subjects of this study were six cross country skiers who were the members of university team. The motion performed by subjects were recorded using two video cameras at the speed of 60 fields per second. The motions were analyzed using the DLT(Direct Linear Transformation) method of 3 dimensional cinematography.
The conclusions were as follows:
1. To increase a propulsive force, the waist has to be extended fully when begin poling and the waist force has to be transmitted poling force. Also, the arms have to be held out to the forward direction and ski pole has to be planted on the snow leaning to the body center direction.
2. To the race velocity increase, skiers has to be bent much at the beginning of skating phases. And then, at the end of skating phases, it is needed to straighten the knees full to the outside of snow, and then to kick.
3. To the race velocity increase, skiers has to provide a strong propulsive force to the gliding ski, by kicking to side, decreasing the ski angle concerning course direction.
4. Even though cycle length, velocity, rate are affected by the difference of slope in controlling of velocity skating, cycle length and rate have to be increased in order to increase the race velocity, because cycle length and rate are related to race velocity.
Key Words
cycle length, velocity, rate, skating phases
Changes of Ground Reaction Force by the Conditions of Running Velocity and Shoes Wearing 운동역학 : 운동화 착용 유무와 주행속도 차이에 의한 지면반력 변화
양창수YangChang-Soo , 김규완KimKew-Wan
42(6) 939-952, 2003
Changes of Ground Reaction Force by the Conditions of Running Velocity and Shoes Wearing 운동역학 : 운동화 착용 유무와 주행속도 차이에 의한 지면반력 변화
양창수YangChang-Soo , 김규완KimKew-Wan
The purpose of this study was to investigate the differences and changes of ground reaction force(GRF) influenced by the conditions of running velocity and shoes wearing. The subjects were 9 male adults and the GRF was measured and analyzed wearing shoes or not, and in case of walking, jogging, running with full speed. The items measured were stance time, Fz max deceleration force and Fz max deceleration force time, Fz mid stance force and Fz mid stance force time, Fz max acceleration force and Fz max acceleration force time, Torque maximum and Torque maximum time, Torque average, Excursion along Y axis of center of pressure of foot, Excursion along X axis of center of pressure of foot, Length of center of pressure of foot, Average velocity of center of pressure of foot. The data measured by walking, jogging, running with full speed wearing shoes or not were analyzed by one-way repeated ANOVA and data measured by wearing shoes or not were analyzed by paired t-test.
The results were as follows:
1. The items of GRF in case of walking, jogging, running with full speed with bare foot were not shown a significant differences.
2. The items of GRF in case of walking, jogging, running with full speed with wearing shoes were shown a significant differences.
3. The items of GRF between wearing shoes or not among the walking, jogging, running with full speed were shown a significant differences.
The Effect of Springboard position Variance on the Forward Dive Pike(101B) Flight Height in Diving 운동역학 : 다이빙의 스프링보드 받침축의 변화가 Forward Dive Pike(101B) 비행높이에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구
김현숙KimHyeon-Sook , 문영진MoonYeong-Jin
42(6) 953-962, 2003
The Effect of Springboard position Variance on the Forward Dive Pike(101B) Flight Height in Diving 운동역학 : 다이빙의 스프링보드 받침축의 변화가 Forward Dive Pike(101B) 비행높이에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구
김현숙KimHyeon-Sook , 문영진MoonYeong-Jin
The purpose of this study was to make out principle kinematic factors affected max flight height through a change of fulcrum position under the springboard in Foward Dive Pike(100B). Films was taken from korea elite athletics(3 subjects) and kinematics factor were calculated by using 2D-DLT method. This study was progressed in tow procedure. First, kinematic analysis was conducted casual position in fulcrum under the springboard. After athletics execute the rhythm and adaptation training. Second, kinematic analysis was conducted a change position in fulcrum under the springboard. Through this study, muscle enhancement, a strong ankle extention motion and rhythm are important factors to raise flight height in a backward fulcrum position under the springboard. Backward fulcrum position under the springboard have an effect on more flight height, therefore, should be needed more and more research for a change fulcrum position under the springboard.
Key Words
forward dive pike, diving, flight height, springboard fulcrum position
The kinematic analysis of the last three strides of the approach and take-off motion in the men's Long Jump 운동역학 : 남자 멀리뛰기 도움닫기 마지막 3보와 발구름 자세의 운동학적 분석
성희준SeongHuiJun , 류재균LyuJaeGyun , 이진택LeeJinTaeg
42(6) 963-971, 2003
The kinematic analysis of the last three strides of the approach and take-off motion in the men's Long Jump 운동역학 : 남자 멀리뛰기 도움닫기 마지막 3보와 발구름 자세의 운동학적 분석
성희준SeongHuiJun , 류재균LyuJaeGyun , 이진택LeeJinTaeg
The purpose of this study is to analyze the kinematic analysis of the last three strides and take-off motion in the actual competition of the men’s long jump.
Five long jumpers who has been registered in the Korea Athletic Federation were involved in this study as subjects.
The conclusions were as follows:
1) For the skilled long jumpers, it took shorter time than the less-skilled long jumper during the take-off motion and from the last three strides to the take-off motion. 2) The better record players began to low CM at the last three step before take-off, showed the lower CM in 1-2 step phases before touch down the board and increased the CM at take-off the board.
3) The better record players showed the shorter stride length and horizontal distance at last three step.
4) The horizontal velocity in the approach deaccelerated at the take-off phase.
5) For effective take-off motion, the player should decrease the last step at touch-down the board and the hip and knee angle as small as possible, and lean the body to backward, decrease. And to increase the impact on touch down board, the player should decrease the touch down angle of foot as small as possible, and touch down the board with whole sole of foot.
6) The thigh should quickly increased the angular velocity of hip joint which plays in increasing propellent toward CM at touch down and take off the board. Esp eciaiiy, the large angular velocity caused by the fast flexion and extention should lead the effective airborne motion with having the high CM due to the fast extended propelling leg to forward.
Key Words
angular velocity, CM, center of mass
The Characteristics of 3-D Angular motions in Flat Serve of Tennis 운동역학 : 테니스 플랫서브의 3차원 각운동 특성
신제민ShinJe-min , 진영완JinYeong-wan
42(6) 973-983, 2003
The Characteristics of 3-D Angular motions in Flat Serve of Tennis 운동역학 : 테니스 플랫서브의 3차원 각운동 특성
신제민ShinJe-min , 진영완JinYeong-wan
The purpose of this study was to identify individual joint angles and relation of joints participated in flat serve of tennis. The 3-d angle was calculated by vector projected with least squares solution with three-dimensional cinematography. The motion planes in the shoulder joint were classified in the flexion/extension, abduction/adduction, horizontal abduction/adduction, and medial/lateral rotation. The Flexion and internal rotation of the shoulder joint were distinguished from the other angles. Specially the internal rotation almost exactly maximized increasing angular motion at impact and made clear in patterns of the angle. An angular motion of trunk was not significant in respect to starting serve motion in linked segment system. But Knee joints was likely presented much important to contribution to powerful angular motion of the upper extremities by means of maximizing extensive angular velocity before their explosive angular motion. The both side of knees were simultaneous in the flexion and the extension before impact. The instant of racket`s rotating to a vertical axis in the inertial axis made much change of angular motion among joints. In comparison with impact time(90.94%±1.82), the knee joint extended first of all(72.30%±3.97), the shoulder joint flexed, the trunk internally rotated, then the elbow extension and finally the shoulder internally rotated orderly(90.20%±1.16).
Key Words
Least squares solution, projection vector
Comparative Analysis on the Approach Run Route of Superior and General High jumpers 운동역학 : 높이뛰기 우수선수와 일반선수의 도움닫기 경로에 대한 비교분석
42(6) 985-993, 2003
Comparative Analysis on the Approach Run Route of Superior and General High jumpers 운동역학 : 높이뛰기 우수선수와 일반선수의 도움닫기 경로에 대한 비교분석
The purpose of this study is to present the principle and standard to search a more effective route of approach run, through comparing and analyzing variables of approach run in the high jump.
The subjects for this study were 2 national athletes and 3 college athletes. Analysis on the route of the approach run was conducted by the image analysis method making use of 2D DLT(Direct Linear Transformation) techniques. The object of photographing was track and field championships competition.
Followings are the results of comparing and analyzing variables:
First, the subjects’ route of approach run was ‘letter-j types’. Superior athletes were better than average athletes in accuracy and consistency of the approach run.
Secondly, the final speed of the superior athletes was faster than that of the average athletes by 0.69m/s.
Thirdly, the superior athletes’ trace angle of the approach run was smaller than that of the average athletes. All the subjects showed that the closer they come to take off, the more diminished the angle became. The width of the diminution was remarkably bigger in the superior athletes than in the average athletes.
Fourthly, the superior athletes’ turning radius of curve route was smaller than that of the average athletes.
Lastly, when compared the length and change of a step, superior athletes’ last step was the longest, while average athletes’ last step was the shortest. Other steps did not show any remarkable change.
Key Words
2D DLT technique
The Kinematical Analysis of Short Turn in Carving Skiing 운동역학 : 스키 카빙 숏 턴 동작의 운동학적 분석
42(6) 995-1003, 2003
The Kinematical Analysis of Short Turn in Carving Skiing 운동역학 : 스키 카빙 숏 턴 동작의 운동학적 분석
This study is to investigate the kinematical variables such as ankle inclination, shoulder-hip-knee inclination, height of c.o.g.(center of gravity) which presumably influence the Carving Short Turn performance. This study inspects five experienced skiers and analyzes the above mentioned variables.
The primary findings from these analysis follow.
First, experienced skiers’ ankle inclination degree appeares 75.12±3.65˚ in Carving Short Turn’s up movement performance and 35.74±4.36˚ in Carving Short Turn’s down movement performance. And appeared 39.38±5.04˚ difference degree between up and down in Carving Short Turn performance.
Second, experienced skiers’ shoulder-hip-knee inclination degree appeares 2.72±0.55˚, 2.65±0.41˚, 2.80±0.72˚ in Carving Short Turn’s up movement performance respectively and 3.72±0.52˚, 3.06±0.81˚, 5.00±1.16˚ in Carving Short Turn’s down movement performance respectively. And appeares 1.00±0.24˚ difference degree between up and down at shoulder’s inclination degree in Carving Short Turn performance, 0.41±0.65˚ at hip’s inclination degree in Carving Short Turn performance, and 2.20±1.37˚ at knee’s inclination degree in Carving Short Turn performance.
Third, experienced skier’s c.o.g. height appeares 79.71±3.10㎝ in Carving Short Turn’s up movement performance, 62.55±2.90㎝ in Carving Short Turn’s down movement performance and 17.16±0.41㎝ difference height between up and down in Carving Short Turn performance.
Key Words
short turn in carving, inclination
Clustering of Sports Events by Morphological Similarity of Elite Athletes 측정평가 : 엘리트 선수의 형태학적 유사성에 따른 스포츠 종목의 군집화
42(6) 1007-1018, 2003
Clustering of Sports Events by Morphological Similarity of Elite Athletes 측정평가 : 엘리트 선수의 형태학적 유사성에 따른 스포츠 종목의 군집화
The purpose of this study was to classify many sports events into several clusters on the basis of the morphological similarity of elite athletes and to examine the characteristics of each cluster. For this purpose, 11 anthropometric data that obtained from 509 elite athletes of 24 sports events were analyzed by using cluster analysis, ANOVA, and z-profiling.
The results were as follows.
1. 24 sports events were classified into 5 clusters, and differences among 5 clusters in all anthropometric variables were significant.
2. Wrestling and Weight lift were classified into Cluster 1 that characterized by short length, heavy weight, and thick girth.
3. Sprint, Badminton, Fencing, Modern pentathlon, Alpine ski, Tennis, Short track skate, Skate, and Triathlon were classified into Cluster 2 that characterized by a little below the average in the length, the weight and the girth factors.
4. Shot and Judo were classified into Cluster 3 that characterized by average length, ponderous weight, and thick girth.
5. Handball, Basketball, Waterpolo, Hurdle, Baseball, Rowing, Volleyball, and Jump were classified into Cluster 4 that characterized by long length, and a little above the average in the weight and the girth factors.
6. Table tennis, Biathlon, and Gymnastic were classified into Cluster 5 that characterized by very short length, light weight, and thin girth. But in contrast their weight and height, free fat mass was relatively high.
Examining Rater Errors in Performance Assessment with a Many-faceted Rasch model 다국면 Rasch 모형에 의한 운동수행 평가의 평정오차 분석
김미예KimMi-Ye , 강상조KangSang-Jo
42(6) 1009-1017, 2003
Examining Rater Errors in Performance Assessment with a Many-faceted Rasch model 다국면 Rasch 모형에 의한 운동수행 평가의 평정오차 분석
김미예KimMi-Ye , 강상조KangSang-Jo
The purpose of this study was to examine rating errors influencing on judgemental scoring, and to suggest the way of providing feedback for judges as a graphical format using Many-facet Rasch analysis. The data of lady’s figure skating events at the 2002 winter Olympics was used to compare the rankings when four methods of analysis are used. Methods are simple adding score, trimmed mean, median rank, and Many-facet Rasch analysis. Using Many-facet Rasch analysis, rating error-severity or leniency, halo effect, central tendency, restriction of range, and reliability or agreement were examined. Judge-by-athletes interaction was also calculated to extract feedback information. The results presented that ranking from the each methods were vary, and rating error can be detected in many facet Rasch analysis using the indexes such as mean square error, separation, and reliability, and also using the chi-square test. The information obtained from many-facet Rasch analyses could be used effectively to provide feedback for judges in training and certification program.
Key Words
rating error, many-facet Rasch Model
The objectivity of the judge's decision in Sports Aerobics 측정평가 : 스포츠 에어로빅스 경기 심판판정의 객관도
오윤선OYoon-Sun , 김응준KimEung-Joon , 이준우LeeJun-Woo
42(6) 1029-1037, 2003
The objectivity of the judge's decision in Sports Aerobics 측정평가 : 스포츠 에어로빅스 경기 심판판정의 객관도
오윤선OYoon-Sun , 김응준KimEung-Joon , 이준우LeeJun-Woo
The purpose of this study was to investigate the objectivity of sport aerobics judges rating by examining the degree of judge’s severity and consistency in sports aerobics competition. For accomplishing this study, this study used 10 judges’ evaluations for 40 high school sport aerobics players. 40 female high school sports aerobics players who participate in individual game of the sports aerobics performance competition which held in Olympic park, Seoul, 2002 were assessed by 10 judges who consisted of 4 execution judges, 4 artistic judges and 2 difficulty judges. The data from study were analyzed using the FACETS 3.4(Linacre, 2003). The Rasch rating scale model was used this study on female high school sports aerobics competition and 2 facet Rasch rating scale model was used to calibrate the rating score, 2 facet players, judge were defined. Judges’ severity and inconsistency were examined by Infit and Outfit statistics and reliability of separation statistics.
The result of this study as following: first, the range of players performance ability was from .52 logit to .75 logit, there were significant differences(p<.01). This study was found that there was not equal between ranking by analyzed and ranking by competition report. Second, artistic and execution judges were differences related to judges’ severity level, but difficulty judges was not. In addition, It was found that some of artistic, execution, difficulty judges evaluated inconsistency rating.
In conclusion, there was a difference between severity level of judging and consistency of judging in judging sports aerobics performance. This leads to the results objectivity of judge’s decision is poor. Therefore, It was suggested that some of judges who have low consistency were except from judge group for sports aerobics judge’s objectivity. In addition, we considered judges reorganization.
Key Words
objectivity, judge’s decision
Toward a ecological model of physical activity assessment 측정평가 : 신체활동 평가의 생태학적 구조모형
조정환JoJeong-Hwan , 송금주SongGeum-Ju
42(6) 1039-1050, 2003
Toward a ecological model of physical activity assessment 측정평가 : 신체활동 평가의 생태학적 구조모형
조정환JoJeong-Hwan , 송금주SongGeum-Ju
Physical inactivity is a major public health burden with estimates that upwards of two-thirds of the industrialized world does not achieve minimum physical activity guidelines. Based upon population-attributable risk estimates, approximately 20% of premature mortality could be avoided if everyone became physically active. This "epidemic" of inactivity has led theorists, researchers and practitioners to seek innovative models and methods to understand and increase physical activity. Traditional individually based approaches remain important and efficacious: however, they are limited by their scope. We have presented the theoretical background of ecological models of health behavior, and defined an ecological model for physical activity promotion. This model portrays physical activity behavior as being influenced by interplay between environmental settings and biological and psychological factors. Further testing of this and existing ecological models of physical activity is recommended. Development of other conceptual models physical activity is a next step, and this will include implementing innovative methodological strategies to evaluate ecological models.
Factors Affecting Parental Attitudes toward Adapted Physical Activities for Children with Disabilities 특수체육 : 장애아동의 특수체육활동에 관하여 부모의 태도에 영향을 미치는 요인들
김지태KimJi-Tae , 여인성YeoIn-Sung
42(6) 1053-1061, 2003
Factors Affecting Parental Attitudes toward Adapted Physical Activities for Children with Disabilities 특수체육 : 장애아동의 특수체육활동에 관하여 부모의 태도에 영향을 미치는 요인들
김지태KimJi-Tae , 여인성YeoIn-Sung
Key Words
parental attitude, adapted physical activities, children with disability
Effects of 12-weeks ginseng supplementation on immunoglobulins in adults with moderate mental retardation during graded maximal exercise 특수체육 : 12주간의 인삼복용이 점증적 최대운동시 중도 정신지체인의 면역 글로불린에 미치는 영향
권영우KwonYoung-Woo , 김진해KimJin-Hae
42(6) 1063-1072, 2003
Effects of 12-weeks ginseng supplementation on immunoglobulins in adults with moderate mental retardation during graded maximal exercise 특수체육 : 12주간의 인삼복용이 점증적 최대운동시 중도 정신지체인의 면역 글로불린에 미치는 영향
권영우KwonYoung-Woo , 김진해KimJin-Hae
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of 12-weeks ginseng supplementation on body weight, %body fat, VO₂ peak, exercise capacity and immunoglobulins (IgA, IgG, IgM) in males and females with moderate mental retardation. Subjects were divided into ginseng supplementation (n=7: males 4, female 3) and placebo (n=7: males 4, females 3) groups and had similar intelligence quotients (IQs). All subjects were calssified as a moderate mental retardation status as their intelligent quotients (IQs) was shown from 35 to 49. All subjects were either supplemented a standardized ginseng capsule (containing 300㎎ of ginseng in each capsule for the ginseng supplementation group) or ingested a placebo capsule (containing 300㎎ of rice powder in each capsule for the placebo group) for 12-weeks. Both types of capsules used in this study had the same size, weight, shape, and color. All subjects in this study were given a 90 days of supplementation either the ginseng or placebo capsules and they were instructed to consume nine capsules per day (3 capsules/meal). Before and after the intervention, each subjects performed incremental cycle ergometer test under the controlled laboratory conditions. All exercise sessions took place on a Monark ergometer(@50 RPM), performing 20 minutes of cycling at either 2 kp for males subjects or 1kp for females subjects. After 20 minutes, work rate was gradually increased (1 kp for males [0.5 kb for females]/every 3 minutes) until exhaustion. Blood samples were obtained before and immediately after exercise session. Body weight, %body fat, VO₂ peak and exercise capacity did not change with ginseng treatment. The concentration of IgG did not induce any significant change following exercise, whereas the IgA and IgM were significantly decreased (p<.05). Interestingly, ginseng supplementation attenuated that exercise induced decrease in IgA after exhaustion exercise (p<.05). In conclusion, acute exercise may lead to the homeostatic disturbance in human body and ginseng supplementation exerts a significant role in immune function as shown in IgA alteration after exercise.
Lower Extremity Muscle Activity and Gait Pattern of Children with Spastic-Diplegia Cerebral Palsy(CSDCP) 특수체육 : 경직성 양측 뇌성마비아들의 좌우 하지 근육활동과 보행형태 비교 분석
한기훈HanKi-Hoon , 한윤교HanYoun-Kyo
42(6) 1073-1081, 2003
Lower Extremity Muscle Activity and Gait Pattern of Children with Spastic-Diplegia Cerebral Palsy(CSDCP) 특수체육 : 경직성 양측 뇌성마비아들의 좌우 하지 근육활동과 보행형태 비교 분석
한기훈HanKi-Hoon , 한윤교HanYoun-Kyo
In order to gather information on the lower extremity muscle activity and gait pattern of children with spastic-diplegia cerebral palsy, an electromyographic and kinematic analysis was performed. Three children with diplegic cerebral palsy were selected for the experiment. VICOM 370 kinematic data collection system and Ariel EMG system were used for the study. Kinematic data comparison was made with previous study of 10 children without disabilities using three-dimensional motion analysis technique. Left-right kinematic data comparison was also made. Muscle activities of tibialis anterior, gastrocnemius, rectus femoris and medial hamstring for both legs were measured for comparison among children with cerebral palsy. The following conclusions were drawn from the kienematic data analysis and lower extremity muscle activity comparison.
1) Children with spastic-diplegia cerebral palsy revealed an asymmetrical left-right stance and swing phase in the gait pattern.
2) CSDCP showed shorter single support to keep the stability during walking.
3) Knee flexion for CSDCP during stance phase occurred much earlier than that of normal group.
4) CSDCP hardly dorsiflexed their ankle joint through the gait cycle.
5) Joint movement of CCSDCP was quite different from right to left under similar low extremity muscle activity pattern.
A dynamic posturography study of balance in the children and adolescents with Down syndrome 특수체육 : 동적자세측정기를 이용한 다운증후군 아동 및 청소년의 평형성 특성 연구
42(6) 1083-1091, 2003
A dynamic posturography study of balance in the children and adolescents with Down syndrome 특수체육 : 동적자세측정기를 이용한 다운증후군 아동 및 청소년의 평형성 특성 연구
The purpose of this study were to analysis and to compare the balance traits of the children and adolescents with Down syndrome. The subjects were 39 Down syndrome children and adolescents(6~8 age group, 9~11 age group, 12~15age group). The equilibrium score, composit score, sensory analysis score, and balance strategy score were measured using the dynamic posturography. We have observed the following results: 1) In increasing the age, the equilibrium scores of the sensory organization test gradually increased as well. 2) In all of the three groups of Down syndrome, the proportion of utilization of somatosensory was higher than that of visual sensory. 3) On test condition (1),(2), and (3), the equilibrium scores of Down syndrome were very low, which means abnormal vestibular function. 4) On test condition (1), (2), and (3), they put their ankle joints to use. On the other hand, they make more and more use of their hip joints on condition (4), (5), and (6). According to this study, Down Syndrome children and adolescents do not use their visual sensory and vestibular sensory fully. It is necessary to develop the exercise program to improve those sensories.
Key Words
dynamic posturography, down syndrome, balance, sensory organization test
The effects of perceptual modeling on the coincident-timing skill in the elderly women 발육발달 : 지각적 모델링이 여성 노인의 타이밍 수행력에 미치는 영향
최종환ChoeJong-Hwan , 김현주KimHyeon-Ju
42(6) 1095-1100, 2003
The effects of perceptual modeling on the coincident-timing skill in the elderly women 발육발달 : 지각적 모델링이 여성 노인의 타이밍 수행력에 미치는 영향
최종환ChoeJong-Hwan , 김현주KimHyeon-Ju
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of variations in the amount of perceptual modeling in the elderly women groups received prior to actively practicing a coincident-timing task. The subjects(n=48) were basically assigned to four older groups(mean = 67±5 yrs). Specifically, subjects in each group were compared under four modeling conditions consisting of no, 1, 5, and 10 perceptual modeling trials administered by having subjects view stimulus lights on a Bassin anticipation runway prior to active performance. Following modeling experiences, each group performed right-to-left swing coincident with the illumination of the runway lights. Results indicated that no, or 1 perceptual modeling group resulted in significantly more absolute constant timing error in performance than 5, or 10 modeling groups during a 16 trial acquisition phase and 8 trial no-KR retention phase. Thus, even though 5, or 10 perceptual modeling group experienced only a few more pre-practice experience with the stimulus, these modeling groups` performances were different from the groups receiving none or 1 perceptual modeling experiences. That is, the relevant information could be obtained with variations of perceptual modeling during the coincident timing task. Therefore, this study implies that there was a significant effect of perceptual modeling trials on the coincident-timing skill in the elderly women.
Key Words
perceptual modeling, coincident-timing, the elderly women